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as I type in Anden's number on my phone. I should tell him about the Patriots, tell him how he was right about them reforming. Their plan is weak, and without Razor on their side, so they came to me. There's countless reasons on how this might go terribly wrong, I need to tell Anden, because this badly sought plan might not just endanger the Patriots, but him- and the rest of the Republic too. 
But as I'm about to click on my mouthpiece, I hesitate, feeling a strange sense of guilt. I have betrayed the patriots in the past, for the same reason. I have seen Anden's other side before, I have seen him torturing Colonies POWs coldly, seen him giving a death sentence without a second of doubt. I shudder at what would happen to Tess, to Pascao and the other people who trusted me, if I turn them in. 
The thought makes me light-headed. I put down the phone and sigh, "I'll tell him another time." I convince myself.


I fiddle with the foreign uniform, and pull my cap lower. Even with Talon's clever disguise, I still feel uncomfortable walking in Denver airbases full of people, I feel as if someone would recognise me. Our footsteps clatter heavily on the marble flooring, reflecting the white florescent lights. I walk with Day, Pascao and two other runners as well as Zelda, a young hacker recruit, flame-like red curls stick out from beneath her cap. Both of us dressed as engineers, whilst the runners are in disguise of some airbase guards.

"Ready Hawkeye?" Pascao's voice rose through the statics, calling me by my patriot name. "It's all clear."
I exchange looks with the rest of the group, they nod back, and we march into the fifth hallway.
This part of the airbase is usually empty, the walls more metallic and narrow, a set of double doors sit on one side. As we arrive at it, Day and the other 'guards' leave my side. I swipe my card(stolen before hand)on the sensor, the door clicks twice, and I motion for the girl to follow. 

The control room looks exactly like I thought it would, and my early years of being a secret agent benefited my knowledge to it.
I cut the cameras on the airship field, where our runners should be arriving any time soon, I turn to the keypad.
I type in the access hack and dig deeper into the controls, Zelda works alongside me. It looks normal enough, data about the airship arrivals and departure. I recognise the one we are targeting one due in two months(an XII4 cargo shuttle, with built in battle gear), to South Africa. My fingers move across the keyboards hurriedly, entering the codes I've learnt off by heart.

"Commander," Zelda speaks up beside me. "Two officials heading from Exit 3A."
"Alone?" I ask, praying they wouldn't have caught something fishy already.
A pause, "Accompanied by two guards."

I curse under my breath, mentally take note of the time. Five minutes and thirty-eight seconds, we should be due in one and a half. Before the job should be complete.
"Inform Darter." My eyes don't leave the screen,
"We need a disturbance to slow them down."
Forty-five seconds.

"No time, they're heading our way." Zelda tells me after receiving no response from Pascao, I can hear the panic in her well controlled calmness now. 

"Do something, anything!" I snap through gritted teeth, if only I had moved faster. "User login..." I whisper to myself, I can hear my own sharp breathing against the buzz of the monitor. "Shift+command+alt+S..." 

I feel an uneasy presence close to us now, the footsteps outside louder.
"They're in here." a voice says. I recognise that voice, it's one of the flight commanders I've worked with before. I am suddenly aware that I am exposed, Oakley will see right through my disguise.
 We're not going to make it, I thought. And without thinking, I hit the nearest knob on the controls panel, where Zelda fumbled to turn on a few switches.
A loud beep come from within the machine. 
The footsteps clatter to a stop outside our door, "What the-" I hear Oakley cry out in confusion.
With a whoop, Zelda brought the lever down, and a loud crash subsided the rest of the commander's words.

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