Chap. 1 - My Neighbor Is A Fury

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BEGINNING NOTE: Okay, dear readers. I know that this will never be as good as the series. It isn't meant to be as good as the series. My writing is still a bit rusty, but I'm trying to work on it. I can tolerate any negative comments, but I just wanted to clear that up. This is merely a fanfiction, and it will never, ever be as good as our dear Uncle Rick's creations.

"Mom, tell me, why are we moving again?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow.

My tone and expression showed my annoyance about the whole moving thing, but I didn't wish to argue. My mother was a very calm person, and arguing a lot would get her worked up sometimes. And I'd just asked her at least five million times why we were moving.

"Amath." She responded, in a warning tone. But I knew her all too well. She wouldn't hold it for very long.

"Honey, I've told you. I want you to see more. Get away from the country for a while. We might take vacations there, like I mentioned before. We've been in the country for so long."

"And that's just it," I barged in. "That's the place where I grew up. The only place I've ever known. I liked it there, Mom. Besides, what about Ren?" I slumped down in my seat.

Ren was a scrawny, awkward, gangly guy. And my only friend. Literally, the only one who ever spoke a word to me. We hung out all the time, and people often thought us to be an awkward couple. But, no. We weren't like that.

Have I mentioned that he's crippled? He gets around on crutches. He was excused from P.E. for the rest of his life due to some sort of muscle disease, I think. Let's not forget that he was always picked on, like me.

"Ren will be alright," My mother replied. "He knows how to take care of himself. The both of you will be absolutely fine."

But I felt a slight tone of doubt in her voice. Sometimes, I'd notice that she acted like she was hiding something from me. Maybe it was something to do with my dad.

He'd left us before I was even born, and mother had told me that he had to leave. Some important mission. So now we were alone. because he never returned from his 'important mission.'

I let out a loud huff, and kept quiet. I couldn't believe that I was leaving my country home to go live in some trashy apartment with little room.

The place I was moving from was Tennessee. We lived in the cutest house, pretty much isolated from everything else in the middle of a wide open field. Green pastures and meadows as far as the eye could see. Took me forever to get to school, but I didn't care.

My favorite was the pond behind our house. I'd swim in it everyday, no matter how hot or cold. I just loved being in the water. It made me feel stronger, more confident.

And I was leaving my paradise for New York. Ugh.

I curled up in the passenger seat and started seething. I had to fight to not dig my nails into my shorts. From what I'd heard, New York was big, trashy, loud, and a little dangerous. I'd picked up the rumors from 'popular girls' at my school, until they spotted me eavesdropping and flogged me away.

"Mom," I brought up again. I was surprised that she didn't sigh or roll her eyes, I'd fussed about the move so much. But this wasn't about the move.

"Why did Father leave before I was born?" I asked. That'd been bothering me for a while.

"It.. was an important mission out to sea, dear." She replied. I thought her voice would break if I asked her anything more about him, she sounded on the verge of tears.

"Hmm," I grunted in reply, and watched out the window gloomily as trees turned to buildings.

I don't remember falling asleep, but apparently, I did. I woke up to Mom repeatedly poking me in the shoulder. "Amath. Up and at 'em. We're here."

I rose up to face our new home. It wasn't a trashy looking apartment, really. Kind of neat and cute. 

The interior wasn't all that bad, either. We had a couch and a kitchen and a TV. And what I liked best was the windows that I could see the whole city out of.

I didn't like the city, but I have to admit, the view was pretty cool. I stared out at the lights that lit up the nighttime, until Mother grabbed my attention.

"I'm gonna go visit the neighbors. Do you want to tag along?"

I pondered in thought, Truly, I wanted to wait. I didn't want to show my face around anyone. 

"No, thanks. I'll stay."

My mother's face faltered a bit. "Oh, come on. Don't you wanna meet the neighbors?"

I shook my head.

My mother let out a sigh. "Alright, then. But.. be careful."

Once she had walked out, I raised an eyebrow. I'd never seen her so cautious. She really wanted me to come with her, and she looked worried when I said that I didn't. Weird.

But at the time I shrugged it off, and crashed on the couch, letting a loud huff escape my throat. I felt tears well up in my seafoam green eyes, but I growled to myself and rubbed them away. I was fourteen, I wasn't going to cry. But I already missed Ren, and my familiar school..

My train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. I raised my head, expecting to see my Mom. "Back so soon?" I asked, but saw it wasn't her.

It was an older lady, with grey hair tied back in a bun on top of her head and large, warty hands. Her eyes were a glassy black, with an evil glint in them. Let's just say that she made me really uncomfortable.

"Don't be frightened, Amathwen Leigh. I'm your neighbor."

Only later did I realize I hadn't introduced myself yet. Her raspy voice sent chills down my back, but I made an attempt to shrug it off and hope she hadn't noticed.

"Uhh.. nice to meet you."

Maybe I should've asked for her name. At the time, I thought it hadn't really mattered. She made me too uncomfortable for me to remember my manners.

"Don't fear. I've only come to give you a friendly welcome." An evil smirk played upon her lips, and an evil glint sparked in her glassy eyes.

Then things happened.

Lightning fast.

My old lady neighbor turned into this.. thing. I can barely describe it. But it was something like an old, shriveled, brown hag with leathery wings, tons of rows of sharp teeth, and talons where each hand used to be.

And she looked ready to rip me to shreds. 

With a piercing screech, she rose above me and aimed her long talons toward my shirt collar. I spun around to face her, seeing that thing come at me full speed. I don't know how, but I ducked out of the way and she missed, crashing back onto the floor. That just made her angrier.

"Welcome, tasty demigod!" She screeched, and came at me again.

What'd she call me? A 'tasty demigod'? What..

I was so puzzled that I paid no attention, and I got slashed pretty bad across the cheek by a talon. And that was it.

I dashed for the door, with my neighbor clawing at my back. I was sure that I was dead. I managed to slam the door open, and didn't look twice. I ran for it, but was cut short by knocking into someone quite hard. We tumbled out and onto the concrete. When I finally looked, I was looking down at a dazed Ren.

"Ren!" I shrieked, right in his face.

"Amath!" He grabbed me by the wrist and jerked me up to my feet, which surprised me. For a cripple, he sure had a strong gri-

Where his legs should have been, there were fuzzy goat hindquarters. And he carried no crutches.

END NOTE: Well? Do you like it? :D Me and a very close fandom friend are going to work on the next chapters together. I manned the prologue and first chapter. We hatched this idea when we were discussing who our godly parent would be if we were demigods. She's a daughter of Athena, and I turned out to be a Poseidon daughter. So I made Amathwen to take my place as the first Poseidon daughter. Yes, I have read the books.

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