Chap. 8 - A Rough Start

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I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes again, the sky was turning a mixture of pink, orange, and blue.

My friends were having a blast beside me. At least, that's what it sounded like. I hadn't turned to look quite yet.

'Sexy and I Know It' blared on the radio, and it sounded like Leo was having quite the time.

"Girl, look at that body!"

"Leo, oh my gods! Don't you dare - eek!" I could see Sophia hide her face from the reflection in the window. "Put your shirt back on!"

I decided to wait a little while before I looked.

Even Ren seemed to have calmed down a little bit - he was cracking a few jokes here and there. "I wonder how many tin cans I can eat in a single minute."

"I'll time ya," I heard Phillip respond.

He surprised me at how calm and cool he always was. It was like he never worried about a single thing. I wished I could be like that. But, it seemed impossible. I always had to worry about something. Maybe it was my ADHD - I mean, inborn battle reflexes.

After it seemed their rowdiness had quieted slightly, I turned around to look at them. Sophia was blushing like no tomorrow. Leo was wearing his trademark 'satisfied smirk,' looking to the side at Sophia from time to time. Ren was chugging tin cans, while Phillip timed him on a stopwatch. Percy was dancing awkwardly to the music on the radio.

Argus was driving ahead contently, and I knew we had gone quite far west. We were probably headed for Washington or something. Somewhere west.

Ren was able to eat 10 tin cans in one minute, I later learned. Leo was still jamming to 'Sexy and I Know It,' his head bobbing with the beat, Percy jamming along with him. Sophia's blushing had gone down only slightly.

It seemed rather content, until Argus started to swerve a bit. I arched an eyebrow, looking out the windshield.

His swerving paused for only a minute, until his eyes showed confusion and worry, swerving again. I was able to hear barely audible screeching from outside.

Then it happened. A Fury hit the windshield, screeching and flapping and clawing. I held back a yelp.

Argus swerved and stepped on the gas, trying to get away. We all were slammed up against one side, grunting and groaning and flailing.

Argus gave one hard swerve, and everyone slammed up against me. I leaned against the handle, and the door burst open.

We all tumbled out, and I think I rolled a few times. Argus apparently still thought we were in the van, and stepped on the gas, still fighting to escape the Fury. They drove off at a pretty good pace.

Sophia was the first to stand up, brushing herself off. "Gah.."

Leo stood up after her, followed by the rest of us. "He totally abandoned us."

"Where are we to go now?" Ren cried, now anxiously chewing on pieces of furniture.


Ren shot Percy a glare.


The other five argued among themselves, until I stepped in.

"I had a feeling we were going to Washington, or something," I broke their argument for a moment.

All eyes turned on me.

"Well.. how do YOU know?" Leo mused, arching an eyebrow.

"Because," I replied, "Washington is west, number one. Two, a lot of things happen there, so."

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