Chap. 14 - Petrified

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We didn't find a town for quite the while.

We sloshed through mud and all that, it looking like we were trudging down a forest path which seemed to lead to nowhere. And to make matters worse, I was starving.

Sophia led the way, me trailing along behind her. I didn't dare say it, but I actually got kind of bothered that she was always leading, always telling everyone to go this way or that because she was some sort of 'wise Athena girl.' Besides, it was my quest. I guess you could say that I found her kind of.. conceited.

But I kept those thoughts close to myself. It was probably her first real quest into the outside world, where all the danger was. I couldn't blame her, really. Either that, or I'd sooner or later have to step up and not be such a softie. We were great friends, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings - or vice versa.

It was rather quiet, so I decided that I'd best break it. "Do you guys smell that?"

Percy looked around, one eyebrow raised. Ren nodded vaguely. "Smells like food."

As I looked ahead, I saw a hint of a neon light. "I see light. There must be some sort of open restaurant up ahead."

That perked us all up. Our speed quickened by a lot, and before I knew it, we were nearly halfway there. Percy was probably the most excited. "This boy needs a double cheeseburger. With fries."

When the light finally came into full view, we saw that it was rather dilapidated, and not quite what we expected. But it smelled heavenly.

Percy looked to be pondering in thought. "This place rings a bell," He stated, but he must have shrugged the thought off. "Smells nice, though."

Maybe I should have had my guard up. But I was trained on getting to that heavenly-smelling food. I didn't pay attention to much else.

We came to the entrance, and while Ren stared at the two ugly gnomes flanking it, I tried to make out the sign which told the title of the place. 'UATNY MES NRGADE MGNOE MOIEPRM.'

"Can any of you read that?" I mused, pointing to the sign.

"I can," Phillip responded, stepping up from the back, in front of Nico. Lucky guy didn't have dyslexia. "Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium."

"That sounds odd," I replied. "But it smells lovely. Let's go in."

My blessing of Aphrodite had worn off, and I had lost my charmspeak, but apparently, everyone was hungry. So we filed in.

It, at first, seemed kind of lonely, until a Middle-Eastern-looking woman turned 'round the corner. She wore a long brack dress, with a veil covering her whole face. Her skin was leathery, and the color of coffee.

"Oh, visitors," She purred. She talked Middle-Eastern, as well. "Why do you children wonder alone?"

"We.." Percy scrambled for an explanation. I rescued him. "We were out taking a stroll, and got hungry. Your place was the nearest thing." I forced an innocent smile.

"Such lovely young visitors," She said again. "Oh, you children must be famished. Go on, sit down. I will be with you in only a moment. I am Aunty Em."

We sat down at one of the tables while she made our food behind the counter. I then noticed that statues scattered the place - children, gnomes, lovers, animals. They were so rich in detail that it was almost scary. Ren's eyes were trained on a statue of a satyr playing the pipes.

We didn't have to wait very long until she returned again with double cheeseburgers, shakes, and some awesome fries. It felt amazing to eat real food once again, and the others seemed to think so, as well. Even though Aunty Em sat and watched us closely as we ate, it was rad.

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