Chap. 3 - Determined

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After learning that I was a demigod, (which was a bit crazy) I was introduced to the Hermes cabin.

Some campers were bright and happy, others looked quite gloomy and dark. And it was to the extent of exploding, it was so full.

The first ones to come up and say 'hello' were Travis and Connor Stoll. I got many compliments from them on how pretty I was, but I later learned that they were huge pranksters and would always be waiting for the first chance to play some nasty trick on me.

Sophia was of the Athena cabin. A cabin made up of mostly blonde-haired and grey-eyed people. I think she was the only brunette. But they were all so smart, I could see it there. They were all obsessed with reading and monuments and such.

Then there was the Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Poseidon, and Ares cabins (and probably many more with names so big I couldn't even say them), full of kids with all kinds of different personalites. The Aphrodite kids were very primpy and were always messing at their hair and dabbing at their lipstick.

The Hephaestus kids were pretty quiet and mysterious, usually big-boned and very tough from working in the forges all day. I later learned that the boy I saw in the infirmary was from that cabin. Must have been in there because of an accident with the blacksmith set. Heh. Who knows.

Most people in that cabin weren't very.. well, pretty. Possibly because their father was really, really ugly from being hurled off Olympus when he was younger. But I'll admit, the boy in the infirmary was.. well.. an eye-catcher. There.

The Ares kids were a group of mean, huge, battle-hardened people. They made me nervous just to look at them, so I usually steered clear of them. Luckily, we sat apart from each other at dinner.

And the Poseidon cabin was made up of one kid: Percy Jackson. 

He was a kid a lot like me. We shared the same black hair and seafoam green eyes. A lot of times he'd cast me glances, then return to what he was doing. I'd been told by Sophia that he was a bit of a big thing at camp. He'd been part of a few prophecies, and was one of the children of the Big Three, which was extremely rare due to their pact.

Later at dinner, I was taught to rake part of my food into the offering fire by Sophia. Something about respect for my godly parent, I think. I wanted to sit by her so badly since she was currently my only other friend, but she had to sit with her cabin. So I seated myself in front of the Stoll brothers after raking part of my food into the fire.

I didn't really focus on my food. My mind was elsewhere most of the time. I looked over my shoulder and eyed the eye-catching infirmary boy who was still unknown to me, then the Percy Jackson boy, over there alone.

Apparently, the mischevious Stoll brothers took my distraction as an advantage. I heard one mutter, 'Fire!' in a loud whisper, and water balloons were aimed straight at my face. How they hid them, I don't know.

And only a few words ran through my mind:

Please don't get wet. Please don't be embarrassed on your first day.

Then things happened that changed me forever. 

The water balloons hit, but I didn't get wet. I was completely dry.

Many who had witnessed the incident gasped, even the Stoll brothers. But they didn't seemed to be concerned about my dryness. They were looking above my head.

I looked up to see what they were gazing at, and I realized that a green trident had appeared above my head. The sign of Poseidon.

I caught Percy look up with wide eyes.

"It is determined," I heard someone say.

I was the daughter of Poseidon.

END NOTE: Ack. So short. Even worse than the last one. So sorry, guys. xD The only reason I'm really keeping this going is for my fandom friend. She gives me the ideas, I write them down. Everyday, she waits for the outcome, my chapters. Just needed to clear that up. xD This is mostly for my fandom friend.

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