Chap. 4 - Cabin Mates

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BEGINNING NOTE: This chapter should be a little better. xD :3 One of my besties is in this chapter, Madison. Her face-claim is Celine Buckens. Enjoy!

After that little incident, I turned into a kind-of big thing.

I was instantly rushed to the Poseidon cabin, where I was introduced to my half-brother.

He was excited, surprised, and angry (for some reason) all at the same time. He ran to me and literally tackle-hugged me, then spun around and started pacing, muttering things under his breath that sounded like 'I wasn't told of this.'

It was sort of awkward being alone with him while he was doing this, but I got used to it after a minute or so, my seafoam green eyes following him as he paced nervously. I laughed a little at the sight. He looked funny when he was like this. I wanted to ask him what he was muttering about, but I decided to leave him be for the moment.

It seemed like forever, but he finally spun around to face me. By the looks of it, I'd say he was two years older than me. But we shared the same features. The same black hair and seafoam green eyes that 'marked' us related.

"Since you're my new half-sister," he started, "I guess I'd best introduce myself. Perseus Jackson." He held out a hand.

I willingly shook it, with a wide grin. "Amathwen Leigh. Call me Amath." I insisted.

"And call me Percy, if you would." He returned the wide grin. So far, he seemed like a pretty nice guy.

"Tomorrow, I'll introduce you to-"

"And I will, too!" Sophia barged in suddenly. I hadn't been paying very much attention, so she must have slipped in our cabin when I was staring at the wall.

"-.. me and Sophia-"

"Sophia and I," She corrected. 

Yep. Definitely a daughter of Athena.

Percy rolled his eyes teasingly. "Sophia and I! Will introduce you to everyone in the cabins tomorrow. Er, except the Ares cabin."

"Yes, we will be seeing the Ares cabin. Unless Clarisse scares you," Sophia teased, with a mischievous grin. Percy rolled his eyes yet again, with a small smile.

"And you cannot wait until you get to my cabin. So you can kiss all over Annabeth, ain't that right?" Sophia flashed him a wink.

"You are absolutely correct," Percy replied, but he was joking. .. I think.

Who Annabeth was, I didn't know. I guessed that I'd find out on Sophia and Percy's grand tour. On that note, I got comfortable in my bunk and dozed off.

I dreamed of nothing that night. Just endless, aimless shapes and figures and total darkness. Not really all that entertaining.

But I was woke up to Percy shaking me a bit violently.

"Geez, you're a heavy sleeper. I think I've been shaking you for an hour." He whined, but I just laughed a bit and rose to my feet.

"Grand tour today, huh?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow.

"Ahh, yes. I'll go herd up dear Sophia and we'll get started on that."

We began with the Athena cabin.

I was introduced to Annabeth Chase, Percy's, uhm.. girlfriend. He had to blush a little at that. She was just as smart as Sophia. Well, they all were, really.

Before we headed for the Aphrodite cabin, Percy stole Annabeth a quick kiss on the cheek. That left everyone giggling and Annabeth blushing.

I was introduced to Piper McLean and Madison Harris. Piper wasn't like her half-siblings. She was more tomboyish, and hated her mom. She owned a dagger named.. Katoptris or something. It was a huge name.

Madison.. well, she was different. She flocked over the Ares boys, and they were always swooning at her. But she would fight on occasion. It was a rare sight, though, and.. don't tell her I said this.. she wasn't very good with a dagger.

Next was the Hephaestus cabin. Joy.

".. and over here we have John Taylor. Say hello. He's the dude that makes all this cool stuff. Name it, he can make it." Percy explained quite cheerfully. "And this is Leo Val-"

"Valdez," Sophia cut in. She was blushing violently. "Leo Valdez. He was in a prophecy. On that happy note, let's go over here." She spun on her heels to retreat in the other direction.

Percy and I exchanged smirks. Something was up with her. "But I want to meet him."

"You just did," Sophia explained quickly, trying to hide her blush.

Before her nose started to bleed, I decided to stop teasing her and followed Percy through the cabin to be introduced.

It all kind of flew by, until we ran into Infirmary Boy.

He was fiddling with a horseshoe that I guess he made himself. I couldn't seem to meet his intense brown eyes when Percy got his attention, and I was introduced to him.

His name was Phillip, and he was indeed fifteen. Kind of funny, he had the start of a stubble on his chin and long hair that reached his shoulder blades. I guess he let it grow out. It was a good look.

I rushed past him after we were acquainted, mostly to hide the red tint on my cheeks. Gah. I was starting to look like Sophia around Leo. Oh, joy. I tried to shrug the feeling off.

The rest of the cabins pretty much flew by. Sophia hung around in the back, trying to hide her blush. It was certain.

She liked Leo. Wink-wink.

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