chapter seventeen

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The next week went by fast. I stayed in bed like I was told too; Joshua only allowed me out of it when I had to go shower and then I went straight back to bed. He brought me my medication and meals as well, ready and on time. "Thank you Joshua for taking care of me when I was on bed rest." I said. "My pleasure." He said nodding his head. "So may I get up now?" I asked. I was ready to get up and stretch my legs. I was also tired of being cooped up in the house and wanted to get some fresh air. Joshua looked at me for a second and put his right hand out. "Yes you may. You've been laying in that bed for the past week and haven't complained, I think you can get up now." He said. I smiled and grabbed his hand with mine and slowly got up, using him as support. As soon as I was up on two legs I took a step and fell. Luckily, Joshua caught me. "Thanks." I said. He nodded his head.

While using him as support, I slowly made my way downstairs; making sure to be careful. As soon as we came into the living room Joshua sat me carefully down on the couch. As soon as I was situated the doorbell rang. "Stay right here I got the door." He said. I nodded and stayed put. He opened the door and smiled. "Abby, guess who's here." He said turning towards me. At that moment Derick walked through the door. "Derick!!" I yelled smiling. I tried getting up but my legs gave out and I fell on the floor. "Abby!" Joshua yelled running to me. He picked me up carefully. "I'm fine." I said. He put me back on the couch and Derick sat beside me. Derick was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt instead of his uniform. It was different but I didn't mind. "Hey." I said hugging him. He winced in pain and I immediatly let go. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said. "Your ok. I just got my stitches out today and im just a little tender that's all." He said. He pulled up his shirt and revealed a thick, pink scar. "Wow." I said, breathless. "Yea." Was all he said. He pulled his shirt back down. "Yea, I just got off from a week of bed rest." I said. Derick nodded. "Well I won't be going back to work for a few days. Doctor said he wants me to take it easy and let the scar heal." Derick said. I nodded, listening carefully. "So that means Joshua will be taking over for me for a few and I'll be watching you." He said. "Ok." I said. Derick nodded and smiled. "I missed you." I said. "I was worred and scared when you were stabbed." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I then remembered what Trey said before. "Joshua, Derick you have to help me!" I quickly said, my voice almost yelling." What's wrong?" They said in unison. "Ok so before Sean found me Trey told me 'this isn't over' before he ran over to the wall and climbed over." I said. Both Joshua and Deeick were looking at me with concern. "Ok I want this whole place on red alert and do it now!!" Derick yelled to Joshua. "I dont want anybody to go anywhere, Abby included, to go anywhere alone. Understand?" He said. "Yes sir." Joshua said. "She is to be escorted anywhere and put everyone in groups of five. To make sure no one goes anywhere by themselves." Derick said. Joshua nodded and left the room to go tell evryone Derick's orders.

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