Chapter twenty-four

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We sat in silence for some of the ride, contemplating on how were gonna explain the escape to Derick when a light bulb suddenly went off inside my head. I turned towards Jason grinning. "OK I'm gonna do all of the talking. Your only gonna speak when spoken to, understand?" I asked and Jason nodded. I nodded and continued with the plan. "OK, I'm gonna explain everything that went on, from Trey hitting me to you helping me escape." I said, turning my head  to look out the towards the vast forest the surrounded us. The greenery was amazing. There were tall pine and oak trees everywhere. I then glanced at myself in the window to see I had a huge bruise on my right cheek from where Trey had hit me. I touched my cheek slightly and winced in pain as soon as my fingers came in contact with it. "Hey Jason how much longer until we get to my house? I could really use a hot shower." I said, trying to take my mind off of the hideous bruise on my face. "We'll be there soon, don't worry." Jason said; not taking his eyes off of the road. I rolled my eyes and groaned in frustration. I was tired, cranky and just wanted to be home. I missed Derick, Sean, and Joshua. I turned my head back to the window and watched as the scenery passed by slower than ever.

 I soon became bored with the intense silence and turned on the radio. I scrolled through the stations until I heard the best song ever. "Oh my gosh it's slow down by Selena Gomez!! I love this song!!" I said excitedly singing to the song. I began to nod my head and move side to side and Jason looked at me. "What?" I said stopping in the middle of my singing. "Nothing." Was all he said before grinning and looking back at the road. I shrugged and went back to singing.

Within the next hour of driving we stopped at a gas station for fuel, food and a bathroom break. Jason parked the SUV at a pump and we got out. It felt so good to stretch my legs. Jason came around to the other side of the SUV where I was. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some money. "Here is some money for your food. I expect you back in seven minutes. I'll get the gas as well as my own food." I shook my head. "I don't want your money." I said looking at him sternly. He put the money into my hand. "I want you to have it though." And with that he walked past me and into the gas station. I rolled my eyes, put the money in my pocket and walked into the gas station to see that Jason was paying for his food and the gas already. I walked straight to the bathrooms, did my business and after I washed my hands I went to scan the isles.

After I walked around the store a few times I finally found somethAzaing that actually looked good. I grabbed a bag of Cheddar and sour cream ruffles, a yoo- hoo and made myself a hot dog. I then went up to the cashier, paid for my food and stepped outside. I walked straight back to the SUV and hopped in to find that Jason was waiting for me. He then turned towards me with an annoyed expression on his face. "What?" I asked, confused. He just rolled his eyes and turned back towards the stearing wheel, "Nothing." He muttered, starting the vehicle and not a moment later we were moving once again. My stomach began to growl loudly and I realized that I hadn't even touched my food; I bet it was starting to get cold by now. I grabbed the hot dog off off my lap and took a huge bite out of it,ketchup and mustard dripping onto my lap. "Ugh!" I groaned as I saw the red and yellow spot on the right leg. I reached and opened the glove-box in front of me to find that there was only one napkin left.  

As I reached for the napkin I felt a cold hand graze mine. I then looked up see that Jason was reaching for the napkin as well. He had dropped a part of his burger on his shirt and it left a huge grease puddle.  I pulled my hand away quickly, napkin in hand. I ripped it in half and handed the largest half to Jason. "Thanks." he muttered and wiped the grease off of his shirt. I then turned my attention to the mess on my leg and wiped it up without smearing it. 

As I finish the last bite of my chips, I put the dirty napkin into the empty bag, realizing that I  had just finished my food. Jason's deep voice then quickly broke the silence. "We're here." He said, stopping at the gate. It was surprisingly left open which is highly unusual. I looked around to see if I could spot any sign of Derick or Joshua, but I had no luck. Jason then turned off the SUV and stepped out, I quickly did the same. I walked around to the front and scanned the gate again; still nothing. "Wait here." Jason said, walking towards the house. I rolled my eyes and quickly followed him. "Look, you don't tell me what to do OK? I understand you saved my life and all but we are on MY property now." Jason quickly stopped in his tracks and turned around at me, his face scorn with frustration. "Look here MISSY you don't tell me what to do either. I am just doing a quick scan of the area for your own safety. Now PLEASE go back and wait by the SUV for me." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Fine." I muttered. I quickly turned away from Jason and briskly walked back to the front gate. 

Moments passed by and I began to pace impatiently in front of the SUV. "Ugh. What's taking him so long?! "  I thought to myself. Still looking at the ground while pacing, I felt a powerful tug on my right shoulder. Yanked out of my concentration, Jason's deep voice alerted me that something was wrong. "One of Trey's vehicles is here, parked around back."  He said, concern lacing his voice.  My heart began to race wildly, I thought it was going to pop out of my chest at any second. "I thought we took care of them when we escaped?" I asked, fear taking over my entire body, my hands beginning to tremble. Jason looked at the ground contemplating on what was happening before us. "A few must have gotten away or were away when we escaped." He then looked at me, I could tell that there was fear in his eyes. "You have to go. I will take care of them, however many that are here. I don't want you getting hurt anymore." 

I looked over at my house and realized that Derick was banging on the living room  window. "OH MY GOD!!!" was all that slipped past my lips before I took off sprinting towards the house. "Abby wait!!!" Jason screamed as he took off after me. 

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