Chapter twenty-two

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A few minutes after Trey stormed off one of his guards came into the dark room too clean up the vomit. The guard was a tall and muscular male with short black hair and blue eyes. He came into the room with a bucket and a rag, making sure too close the door behind him. Without making any eye contact he went straight too work. He cleaned up the vomit quickly and afterwards he sprayed the room in order too remove the vomit smell. As all of this was happening I looked down at the floor and didn't say a word.

After he was done he walked out of the room without saying a word, making sure too close the door behind him. I just sat there for a little while, still looking at the floor until I heard the door open. I looked up too see that Trey had returned. He was grinning from ear too ear as he closed the door. "Well, well, well, I see that you haven't escaped my fortress." Trey said. He continued too look at me with the grin still on his face. "I guess having Derick tie you up wasn't such a bad idea after all." He said and as soon as I heard this a spark of hope sprang up. Trey seeing this stopped grinning. "Oh don't worry princess he's not here. I had a few of my guards beat him and dispose of him back at your house. He doesn't know the location of my fortress because we blindfolded and bound him with you but soon realized that he was of no use too us." He was leaning on the door now, looking at me with an expression of seriousness. He walked over too the table and sat down on it, not taking his gaze off of me. "I also had one of my guards check the bounds and make sure they were tight. I don't want you running off." He said, still serious. "What do you want from me?" I asked. He got up off of the table and walked towards me. He stopped right in front of me and looked down in order for us too make eye contact. "Oh I don't want anything from you. See I was Xavier's best friend and when you and your guards killed him I then swore I would get revenge and here we are today." Trey said grinning. I didn't say another word after that because I was too busy plotting my escape from this hell hole. I also couldn't believe that Xavier had friends. Trey then started pacing around the room with his hands behind his back. "You've got nothing too say about that?" He said stopping infront of me. I shook my head and he got on his knees. He played with a peice of my hair and smiled. "That's a good girl." He said patting my head like a dog. "It seems like you've learned your lesson about disobeying me and my rules." He got up and knocked on the door and one of his guards opened it. "Somebody feed her and I'll be back too check on her tomorrow." He said walking through the door. One of his guards nodded his head and closed the door behind Trey.

A while later the same guard who had cleaned up the mess I had made walked into the room with a tray in his hand. He set it down on the table and slowly walked towards me. I watched as he walked behind me. My heart immediately sped up and I thought that this would be it, that he would just slit my throat and walk out. Just then the bondages around my wrists fell to the floor. My eyes went wide with shock as he walked back around and untied my legs from the chair. "Who are you and why are you helping me?" I asked him as I stood up and stretched. It felt so good to be able to move again. He stood up and eyed me. "My names Jason. I'm gonna help you get out of here. I've seen the horrible things Trey does to his victims, especially the women. I'm not standing for it any longer. I stood there in shock for a few seconds. Is this really happening? I thought to myself. Or is it all a trap? I didn't care, just so long as I get the hell out of here. Jason stood in front of me and looked as if he was deep in thought. He nodded to himself before looking at me. "Ok I need you to play along for me. I'm gonna yell that your trying to escape and when the guards run in I'm gonna need your help in taking care of them. Can you do that for me?" He asked. I scoffed and he tiled his head sideways. "Can I do that?" I said mocking his voice. "Of course I can, I'm a guard myself." I said. He grinned as I said this. "Well then we better get to it then." He said walking towards the door. I ran over to the wall to the left of the door and waited. "Help, she's trying to escape." Jason yelled, banging on the door. The door immediately opened and four guards ran in. Jason immediately hit the first one he saw. They all were muscular males with black T-shirts on, blue jeans and black boots. I kicked one of them with all my might, sending him to the floor immediately. As soon as another one of the guards saw this he lunged towards me, hitting my head on the wall. My vision went blurry for a second and as soon as I snapped out of it I kneed the man in the balls. He immediately released his grip on me and fell too the floor with a loud thud. I looked over too see Jason smiling at me. "What?" I said sarcasticly and he shrugged. "Nothing." He said still grinning. We ran out of the room and he shut the door behind us, locking them inside. We were standing in a long corridor with many other rooms around us. All of the doors were closed but the weird thing was that beside Jason and I there was nobody. The walls were cement and so was the floor. It looked like a prison. We turned to the right and began running as fast as we both could.

We soon came to a fork in the hallway. Without even stopping Jason kept running straight, with me following in tow. We stopped next to a an office in order to catch our breath. Just as we were about to continue a bright red light went off and a loud, peircing beeping sound went off in the hallway. "Fuck!" Jason said running his hand through his hair. "What's wrong?" I asked, slightly confused. He turned to me, agitation and fear clearly written on his face. "They sounded the alarm. We've gotta get out of here and fast." He said. Just as he finished his sentence we heard loud footsteps coming our way. My heart started to race and Jason opened the office door. "In here quickly." He said pushing me into the room. He closed the door behind us only to notice that the room was full of boxes. "We can hide behind the boxes." He said, making his way to the very back of the room. I followed and we moved the boxes in order to make room for the both of us. The boxes were stacked all of the way too the roof and we sat against the back left corner of the room, surrounded by the boxes. We sat there in silence before hearing the dangerous and rage filled voice of Trey. "Find them!" He yelled. "Yes sir!" The guards yelled back. From the sound of there reply I'd say there were about thirty or so guards with him.

Were in deep shit. I thought to myself, trying to remain as quiet as possible.

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