chapter seven

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I woke up in my bed with the covers over me. I got up and headed downstairs for breakfast. Mom and dad were still asleep but when I walked Into the kitchen Derick was making breakfast. "Do you want any pancakes?" He asked. "Sure. I'll take two." I said. I went over to the counter and sat down in a stool. When Derick was done he brought me my favorite pancakes, cinnamon pancakes with raspberries on top no syrup and only a little bit of butter on them. Once he set my pancakes down he brought me some chocolate milk. After he gave me my food he grabed his and sat down with me. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome." He said. We ate in silence and after we were done Derick cleaned up. "Kelly since you passed your test your bodygaurd uniform is on your bed. Please go get dressed." He said. "Ok. Thanks." I said. I went up the stairs and into my bedroom. I waked over to my bed and there sat my uniform. Like all of the bodygaurd's uniforms it was a black shirt, pants, shoes, socks, belt and leather jacket. They only wore the jacket in the winter so I put that up in my closet. I also found a black hair tie to put my hair up. Bodygaurds never had any weapons on them because they use there hands. They are the strongest of all vampires and only carried a gun if they were going against any vampires that had humans because the humans would out number them. I grabed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. After I was changed I put up my long red hair into a ponytail and made sure my shirt was tucked into my pants. When I was done I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs into the kitchen. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I knew something was wrong. "Where was Derick?" I thought to myself. I walked around the house and the yard and I diddn't find him. I went into my mom and dad's room to find that they weren't there either. I checked everywhere and I didn't see them nor did I see Derick. I told myself that I wouldn't give up so I had to do something that my mom told me never to do. Go into THE DEN. The den was the giant room under our house that whenever someone tried to kill me , my parents or anyone under this house Derick and two other gaurds would take them into the den for questioning. They were beat and sometimes killed in there. I had to make sure that they weren't in there. I went into the laundry room and beside the dryer there's a door that leads into the den. I turned the knob and opened the door. The smell of death entered my nose and I had to cover it before I vomited. I fliped the switch that turned on the lights and grabed a flashlight and started down the stairs into the den.

When I got to the bottom I fliped another switch next to the last step and I was surprised to see three chairs with Derek, mom and dad sitting in them. Derick was bloody and beaten like he'd put up a fight and mom and dad were tied up and gagged. I waked over to them and removed there gags. "No honey go. There here they will kill you run. GO NOW!" Mom said. "Who is here mom tell me." I said. I couldn't even say another word before I was hit in the back of the head with a rock. I fell to the ground and before I blacked out I saw and heard my mom calling my name and dad and Derek trying to get out of there bonds.

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