chapter twenty

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I woke up an rolled over to check the time; It was 8:30am. "I guess I should get up." I said to myself. I got up and within fifteen minutes I was dressed, teeth were brushed and my hair was in a ponytail. I opened my door too see my daytime guards and escorts standing there. "Good morning Ms.Abby." Michael said smiling. "Good morning." I said nodding.

They took me down into the kitchen and I grabbed a few muffins along with a water bottle. After that I went into the livingroom to find that Derick was gone. I immediately turned around to Joshua. "Where's Derick?" I ask. Joshua turned to me. "He was called to the gate a few minutes ago because they heard some suspicious movement. He went and checked it out to find that it was only an animal. He should be in any minute. Just then the front door opened and Derick walked in, perfectly fine. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down and ate my muffins.

The rest of the day went by fast because I was hanging with Joshua and my group of guards. At dinner they took me into the kitchen and I made myself a sandwich. After I made it I went back up to my room and ate it.

As soon as nightfall came I went up into my room and got ready for bed. I said my goodnights and went straight to bed afterwords.

Not long after I fell asleep I was jolted awake by Elizabeth who had a frightful expression on her face. "Get up now." She whispered pulling me out of my bed. I was only wearing a tanktop and shorts with my hair in a ponytail. "Why, what's going on?" I asked as she pulled me too the window. "Trey. He's back." She said. I then myself had a frightened expression on my face. She opened the window and pushed out the screen. "We can't go out through your door it's too dangerous. Derick has ordered me to get you safely out of here. I've got men waiting for me just outside. We'll meet Derick at a checkpoint just sixteen miles south of here. Trey has brought his own guards this time and were heavily outnumbered." She then pointed to the open window. "Go." She said. I nodded and climbed out of the window and onto the roof. Just as Elizabeth climbed out of the window my bedroom door was busted open by none other than Trey himself, proudly escorting six of his own guards. "Hang on tight!" Elizabeth yelled to me as she wrapped her arms around me and jumped off of the roof. I held on to her and in just a few short seconds we landed on the ground with a thud. I had landed on her and she had taken most of the fall. "We've gotta go now." She said out of breath. I then looked up at my window too see Trey stairing at me. "Get her!" He yelled to his guards.

At that exact moment I was pushed off of Elizabeth by herself. "Get up now!" She yelled at me pulling my arm. I quickly got up and we were off, sprinting towards the gate. I then heard a loud thump behind us and looked behind us too see Trey's guards junping off of the roof as Elizabeth and I did.

Just as we passed a storage shed we were greeted by Reggie, Michael, Danny and Harry. They nodded to us and formed a protection square around us, with Elizabeth In the front. "We've got six guards on our tail along with Trey himself. We protect Abby at all costs." She said to the men who all nodded. Just then Michael yelled to us. "Incoming!" He said as he was thrown by one of Trey's guards. We all stopped and they kept the protection square formation around me. "I can help. I'm a guard myself, I can fight." I said to Elizabeth. "You will do nothing of the sort. Our mission is to get you to saftey and that's exactly what we will do." she said. I groaned. Just then we saw all six guards come toward us with none other than Trey in the front. 'where the hell is Derick?' I thought to myself. "You all take down her guards, she's mine." Trey said. As the guards approached the fighting began. Each guard had a guard to fight. There was blood every where. Trey tried to approach me but Elizabeth stepped in his path. She threw multiple punches at him but he managed to dodge them all. He took her as nothing and she was down on the ground with a single punch. "Well, well, well princess, I guess its just you and me now." He said. I didn't say anything back to him and instead, punched him in the nose. He stumbled backwards and grinned. "Its gonna be like that huh." He said as he came towards me. I threw another punch but missed. He immediately responed and grabbed my hair, slamming me onto the ground in an instance. He then rolled me onto my back and pinned my arms down. "Now sweetheart don't fight me. You know you can't win." He said smiling. "I'll be the judge of that." I said. I then kneed him where it really hurts. He immediately let go of me and I scrambled up. I then turned around and bumped into one of his guards. I turned around again and noticed that his guards had made a circle around us. I turned around the the first guard I came into contact with and Punched him in the face. Unfortunately, he didn't even budge. I was then tapped on my right shoulder. As soon as I turned to see who tapped me I was greeted by Trey. It all happened so quickly that all I saw was his fist before I was on the ground. The last thing I saw was Trey shouting something at his guards before blacking out.

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