Chapter nineteen

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I woke up with a crick in my neck. I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck and stretched. I noticed that it was Dark outside and that all of the guards that were here today were gone and placed with a new team of guards I didn't recognized. I looked to my right to see Derick asleep and Joshua checking the monitors. He was standing next to the end of the couch and regularly checking the screens while Derick slept. "Joshua where are the guards that were here today?" I asked. He looked up from the screens and to me. "Well we hired a second team so while the day team sleeps the night team guards the perimeter and house. They sleep during the day so they can guard at night." He said, putting a smile on his face. "Then why aren't you sleeping Joshua?" I asked. He didn't look up from the screens this time. "Well I tried and couldn't so I came in here to help." He said and I nodded in understandment. I stood up and stretched. "Well I'm going to bed, goodnight." I said. Before I could move one inch Joshua stopped me. "Hold on." He said. He gave a signal and five guards walked forward. "These are your guards and escorts at night." He said. They all stood in a line, side by side and Joshua introduced them too me. There were three guys and two girls. The first guy he introduced his name was Reggie. He was tall with a shaved head and brown eyes. All the guys had a muscular build. The second guy he introduced his name was Danny. He was tall with brown hair and green eyes. The third was a woman was named Elizabeth. She was tall with long blond hair and blue eyes. The fourth was also a woman. Her name was Keysha and she was a bit shorter than all the rest. Her hair was styled as a pixie cut and she had red hair. The last male his name was Harry. He had a shaved head and had blue eyes. They all nodded when introduced to me and I nodded back. When that was all said and done they got into box formation around me and led me too my room. Once upstairs, they checked my room and bathroom and signaled the all clear. They closed my door and stood outside of it. I then hopped into the shower and cleaned myself really quick. Once out I put on a tanktop and bed shorts. I then climed into bed and rolled over on my right side. I closed my eyes and before I knew it sleep enveloped me and took me away.

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