Strewn {Erthanist PoV}

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Six Months Later

A bright spring-green leaf flutters in through the window and I allow it to land on my palm. My heart skips a beat as I think of Prince Legolas. His name means Green Foliage. Now that it is late spring it is a mesmerizing sight to watch him wander the green woodland of Imladris, or to walk with him through the gardens and arbors. I actually used to accompany him daily, but in the past few months he has been quite determined in evading me. I tried to be his friend and help him to recover, but he has even refused the aid of Mithrandir. 

With a sigh I finish writing in my journal and walk to my wardrobe to prepare for tonight's festival. I choose a sapphire blue silk gown with gold trim that has a turtleneck and long bell sleeves and put on a pair of sheer golden slippers, then brushing through my hair and donning a gold circlet. I had considered wearing one of the many outfits designed by my mother, but I fear mussing them so much that I decide against it. I will save them for other times. Around seven I leave for the festival and bump into Mithrandir just outside the of the entrance. He attempts, as usual, to cover up the fact that he was waiting for me. He has been prone to lying in wait for me and delving into discussions regarding personal matters, namely my impressions of Legolas. It is strange that he is probing me so thoroughly. 

"Mithrandir, I had thought you would have left for the Shire. You said you greatly desired to return there and visit Bilbo the elf-friend." 

"No, I could not miss this festival, Lady Erthanist."

"Indeed." I chuckle and we enter the party together. Mithrandir casts glances around the hall, searching for someone or something. I ignore it at first, but it becomes so unnerving that I follow his eyes to see if I can figure out why he is looking around so much. Eventually I catch him nodding to Lord Elrond and Lindir, both of whom share Mithrandir's slightly mischievous expression. "What are you up to, Mithrandir?" 

"Nothing, nothing." 

"Really? I am certain you have got something up your sleeves." 

"No, I have not, Erthanist." I cross my arms and tap my foot expectantly. Mithrandir sighs, shifting from foot to foot. 

"The truth, if you please." 

"I am looking for Prince Legolas Greenleaf. He had promised to attend and I wanted you to be his companion." 

"Mithrandir, why did you not say so in the first place?" 

"You are a very independent elleth, Erthanist, you might have said no and stuck next to Elladan and Elrohir." 

I shake my head and sigh, "He would have said no anyway, Mithrandir. He has been avoiding me for months. The Prince has no interest and thus I should no longer meddle with him." 

"Very well." He says and I leave him next to the huge fireplace, making my way through the throngs of elves to the line of tables with food and drink. I grab a small goblet of apple cider and tuck away in the corner of the room, watching the dances take place. I myself love to dance with a passion, but I have no partner. Elladan and Elrohir have gone hunting for orcs once more, and everyone else is matched up with their spouse, betrothed or lover. I take a sip of cider, enjoying the soothing warmth of it, and continue to slowly drink it as the night draws on. I am accustomed to being on the outskirts of the crowd. 

"Lady Erthanist." 

"Prince Legolas." I bolt around and gulp when I find Legolas standing decked in brilliant gold and green robes next to me. This is the first time I have spoken to or seen him in weeks. "How wonderful to see you attending the festival, your highness. Mithrandir was worried you would not make it." 

"Indeed he was very insistent upon my attendance." His quickness startles me. I step backwards and look up at him. There is something very different in his eyes. They are not so icy or cold as I am used to. "Might you join me on the dance floor, Lady Erthanist? I notice that you have not been able to as you have not had a partner." 

"I would be greatly honored to, Prince Legolas." 

"Come then." He pulls me into the midst of the dancing couples just as a fast melody begins to play. Legolas and I get so caught up in the rhythm that we barely speak. I want to talk to him but he comes off as averse to conversation at the moment, focusing mainly on leading me through the steps like a gentleman. I notice how at the end he lingers before stepping aside to applaud the musicians. My heart warms, almost growing wings to fly from out of my chest. The dance feels too natural to forget. As next the song is slower, we are allowed air to breathe. 

"Prince Legolas, how have you fared recently?" 

"Very well. Yourself?" 

"In accordance with your answer. I have fared well." 

"Is your father returning soon?" 

"He has written that he hopes to leave the Woodland Realm soon, but he is occupied with helping the Elvenking for the time being. He has told me that your father wishes your safe return." 

"I know. He has sent a letter detailing how he wants me to come back and resume my duties and fulfill obligations." 

"Do you desire to go back?" 

"I am conflicted. I do, but I do not." 

"I understand the conflict. I felt very much the same when I was faced with departing to Valinor." 

"I feel as if you had much less trouble in deciding your path than I."

"Nay, my path is ever unfolding itself. Yours is too. I did not set my path in stone when I chose to remain in Middle-Earth with my father." 

"You chose to remain in a corrupt and perilous world when you could be in a pure, blissful realm without worries or cares." 

"Indeed. I feel that there is excitement here, and fulfillment of a different kind than found in Valinor." 

"You are of the high elves. Do you not hear the call of the Valar to the seas?"

"Most strongly do their cries come to me, but I am not ready to respond. I will eventually be prepared to join my mother, brother and kin in the blessed realm, but that time is yet to come. I am not blessed with foresight to see where my feet shall take me." 

"You speak very much like your father." 

"Thank you." Silence ensues and though we continue dancing, I feel disappointed and upset. By the end of the festival I am eager to split with Legolas and return home. I feel the eyes of Lord Elrond and Mithrandir watching me. I drag myself along, fidgeting with my hair and murmuring to myself. Other elves whisper as I go by, confused and a bit nervous as to my behavior. So I decide not to rejoin the festival for the second day, and hole up inside the house. 

Around noon the doors slam open and I look up, startled, to watch a very ragged Prince careen into the room. I stare at him for a second and he stares back. His eyes are slightly red and watery, his clothes disheveled, and he looks unnaturally pale and clammy. "... May I... help you,.. your highness...?" I wring my hands and breathe, managing to stabilize my racing heart as I try to break free from the staring. Legolas does not answer, just gazes at me. This goes on for a few minutes before he turns on his heel and runs as fast as he can out of my home, as quick as he came. My hand goes to my heart and I let out a long held in breath of relief, falling to my knees. 

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