Suspicion {Glorfindel PoV}

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A/N: Big shoutouts to Ellethwen2931 and HerImperialMajesty99!

"Mellon-nin, come." Elrond summons. I place my book back into its place on the shelf and follow him out of the library.

"What is it, Elrond?" I inquire. The tone of his voice dampened my previously vibrant mood. I just returned from a ride with Erthanist, thus my high spirits. He silently continues towards his private garden. Something is amiss with him. We arrive to find Mithrandir and Thranduil already there. "Mithrandir, Thranduil." We greet each other.

"We have come together to counsel regarding Lady Erthanist and Prince Legolas." Elrond wastes no time, bombarding me and Thranduil with this revelation. I narrow my eyes and purse my lips. Thranduil is even more expressive than I, his eyes popping open and his arms dropping to his sides.

"What is it with my son?" He demands, clenching one fist.

"And my daughter?" I murmur.

"Have you not noticed?" Mithrandir scoffs, nearly choking on the smoke from his pipeweed.

"What is your point, mellon?" I query, crossing my arms. Elrond takes a breath.

"Mithrandir and I have been watching Erthanist and Legolas for months. They have become increasingly engaged with each other, particularly in the past two weeks, beginning that fateful day when Legolas attempted suicide. Have they not told you what happened?"

"Erthanist would never lie unless vital. She told me that she was walking and managed to get to Legolas in time." I fire back in defense of my daughter.

"Legolas told me the same story. Both explanations are in accordance."

"Yes, but there is more to it." Mithrandir cuts in.

"The night before, when we had the first part of the festival, Legolas attended and only paid attention to Erthanist. The next day at noon, Legolas burst into your house like a madman and frightened Erthanist, speaking nothing," Elrond focuses on Thranduil,"He then stormed into the healing chambers and confronted me. He begged for me to remove his heart from him because of Erthanist. He was determined never to feel."

"Legolas..." I glance at Thranduil, who is gripping a pillar for balance.

"When Erthanist rescued Legolas, she demanded to stay by his side. Lindir had to pull her out of the chamber to her quarters and assign two maids to ensure she was taken care of. It was soon after that she returned and did not leave the healing chamber until dawn..." Elrond's voice fades off in my mind.

Why would Erthanist keep this from me? Never has she kept this manner of secret. Perhaps she is not at all taken with Legolas, and does not fancy him. Yet if she does then... I do not know what influenced her to choose to conceal this. The only plausible reason would be that it is a frail fancy and not meant to last, which means inevitable suffering for her in the future. "Oh, Erthanist." I whisper, pressing a hand to my forehead. "Please let this not be true." 

"Do you not approve?" Mithrandir inquires. 

"For once, I am utterly confounded, Mithrandir." I say and leave the garden, inhaling deeply. I make my way home and find Erthanist tucked away in the study, poring over records of legends, tales, and little stories that Aglareldes used to weave. "Erthanist." 

"Yes, Ada?" She greets, looking up with a bright smile. I cannot bring myself to accuse her of anything or question her. She will come clean or is truly innocent of the theories of Mithrandir and Elrond. 

"Erthanist, what tale do you read?" 

"Your entry on how you met Nana." She replies sweetly. I smile. 

"I shall never forget the time I first laid eyes upon your mother, Erthanist. I had just been reincarnated into my body and released from the Halls of Mandos, and was wandering Eldamar. I happened upon the most beautiful Vanya elleth near the outskirts." Her eyes become starlike and watery as memories of Aglareldes flood both of us. I take her in my arms and hold her as she sighs, shedding a few tears. 

"Ada, I miss her." 

"I know, I too miss her very much." I agree, running my fingers through the long, soft curls. It's been over a century since we last saw Aglareldes. She made us promise not to cry when she departed, and left us with a rather large chest which we still have not unsealed and unlocked. I know the contents, but it is not to be opened until necessary, and there is good reason for it. It might be soon that I will have to open it, when I was hoping to hold off until we both return to Valinor. 

"I missed you, Ada." 

"As I did you, though I missed you more." 


"Aye!" We pull back and chuckle, starting up a pretend banter between who missed who more. I let the burdens of my previous meeting with Elrond, Mithrandir and Thranduil go and allow myself to forget them. Inside my house, there is no darkness. I intend to keep it that way for her.

Glorfindel is just a little protective, hehehe... Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please rate and comment below and check out my other story! Thanks for reading!


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