Work outs

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Hello so depending if you want to lose weight ton your body or whatever else regular exercise is always good for you I have a couple work outs for you depending on what you want to do these are mainly to lose weight and ton your body for summer or just to feel good about yourself . But remember don't change how you look because people or teachers tell you to do it because you want the commitment and you wanna do it yourself. Remember your all perfect the way you are .

Right so to ton your body you will need to do a bit more of a harder work out this one also loses weight but mainly to ton your body. I would suggest to do this work out three times a week for example I do this exercise Monday Wednesday and Friday so its equally divided in the week.(this isn't ideal for a beginner)

30 heel touches -this will help you become a bit stretchy and it works your leg and back muscles

50 sit ups- this is obvious and its for your abs this is the perfect number to do

10 squats- this works your leg muscles and butt cheeks when you do this I would suggest to keep your back straight it gives the best effect that way

20 bicycle crunches - this stretches your body and works your legs and abs

50 leg raises - this is good for your legs and make them stronger this one is harder don't give up

10 scissor crunches - it works your legs and abs once again

30 leg swaps- works your legs

20 push ups- this is good for your arms try doing 5 full ones and 15 semi full ones if you cant do push ups

So put some music on and start exercising send me messages if you do these work outs id love to know .

Most of all have fun otherwise you will want to skip a day or two then weeks then months then give up

I wish you the best of luck

Now one of my favourite exercises I like to do in the winter ish to have that small time of not being on the phone but doing something for my body (beginner)

Id suggest to also do this Monday Wednesday and Friday so its equal along I started off by doing this and then more advance exercises and now nearly everyday

30 push-ups- work those arms try doing 15 full ones and 15 semi full ones if you cant do push ups

50 sit ups - work those abs

20 squats - leg muscles

If you have a yoga ball hold it and do some leg kicks about 10

10 dips- work your arms

This is good for beginners because its not alot to put on at first but still gives you the same affect .

Same thing as last time message me if you did any of them and if they helped you or if you need advice

If you've read till the end comment pink ill see who my true readers are

Good Luck stay strong I believe in you guys .

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