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So most my life I was a lazy person but when I joined high school that changed I became more independent more wanting to do stuff for myself and running was a huge step because I never really liked it then In pe I tried sprinting it just wasn't for me then I did long distance and I enjoyed it like alot and then I started running long distances after school I then got a time of 4m 10s and got better and better then i went into a competition I was brave but scared and I really enjoyed it so I decided that was going to be my sport and I carried on when it came towards summer I trained and trained and got 4th place which I was proud of because there were some good runners there. Then the following year my dad introduced me to running in the mornings which I enjoyed and every day my mum or her boyfriend where home I would just go for a run at 6ish and it was a really good way to start my day and the rest of the day id be happy and hyper.

My point is that you might not like all the types of running's but there is one out there that you can do and if you practice it wether for a competition or just to mess around its healthy for you and it helps you control your breathing and it helps lose weight , set your mood and get some fresh air so when you have free time go for a run or a jog it helps your body.

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P.s. Fun fact -Running long distance increases life spam by 3 years

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