A week later…
Annabelle and I had finished all the clothes and were on brilliant terms with each other. It was almost as if we were best friends. The summer was coming, we could all feel it. The rooms seemed warmer. Brooklyn and I had been talking a lot. I mean a lot, a lot. I braided Penny’s hair and showed Annabelle how to curl her hair with rags.
I found it funny, how at first I completely blocked the idea of being Brooklyn’s girlfriend, but now I seriously liked the idea. He was so honest, kind, sweet, funny, strong and the list continues.
“Brooklyn! Bryony! Can you go up to the stream for water?” called Caroline.
I got up out of bed and pulled on my new pink top and lilac skirt. I tied my hair back with a white scarf, grabbed a little beige bag and went and knocked on Brooklyn’s door.
“Yep! Just coming!” he called back and then seconds later he opened the door.
We started up the steep stone steps, and stopped at the hatch. Brooklyn usually left buckets up the stream, filled them up, carried them back, put the water in the big bucket and then Annabelle took the buckets back up because she liked to go outside every so often.
“I’m surprised you don’t develop, what’s it, agoraphobia,” I said, clambering out of the hatch.
“Ag…what?” said Brooklyn, with a puzzled look on his face.
He probably didn’t even know what a phobia was. We started up the sloping hill to the stream. Marchers Field was huge.
Our fingers brushed at moments and it made me smile because he would move his hand away quick. The sun beat down on our backs and I was thankful that I chose the short-sleeved top and light skirt. After our fingers had brushed at least twenty times and our shoulders were touching, I just grabbed Brooklyn’s hand. I was half-expecting him to pull back and run away, but he just grinned and put his arm around my shoulders.
He took two apples out of his pocket and handed one to me. The refreshing, sour taste of it made me smile and push myself onwards up the hill. Finally, we reached the stream. Two yellow buckets stood by the stream.
The stream was shallow and only up to my ankles. You had to stand in the water to fill up the buckets. Brooklyn and I filled up the buckets and placed them on the bank. I looked at him for a moment and it suddenly came to me that I loved him. The sun made his face glow and his eyes shine. He put his hands on his hips and stared at the view of the city. I ruined the moment by kicking water at him, soaking his shorts.
Brooklyn laughed and kicked water at me, but I dodged it, then my foot caught on a piece of wet grass and I was about to slip. He caught both my hands and pulled me up, before I fell.
“Bryony?” said Brooklyn, not letting go of my hands.
“Will you be my… er… my … er girlfriend?” he said, stuttering.
“Yes Brooklyn…I love you,” I said, stepping closer.
He leant in close to kiss me, but his foot slipped and he plunged into the water. It was so funny, he was soaked and I was bent double laughing. Then, my foot slipped and I too fell into the water.
We looked at each other and we started laughing all over again. We were both soaked. Brooklyn got up and then he offered his hand. I got up slowly and carefully, and rubbed my hands together to get rid of the dirt. This time Brooklyn kissed me, and we didn’t fall over. He squeezed my shoulder and then we stepped back up onto the bank. I heaved my bucket up and started back down the hill. It was incredibly heavy, then I realised why Brooklyn was so strong, fetching two of these buckets of water everyday.
We slowly made our way down the hill, being careful not to spill any water. The sun didn’t seem too harsh on my back, because the stream had made my clothes damp. I wanted to hold Brooklyn’s hand, but I needed both my hands to carry the bucket.
Eventually, we reached the hatch. We placed our buckets by the entrance and Brooklyn unlocked it. He jumped down first and then I handed him down the buckets. It amused me that he was always so full of energy. Brooklyn then reached up for my waist and lowered me through the hatch. I gave him a smile and a quick kiss.
We then took the buckets downstairs and poured the water into the big bucket in the hallway (the big circular room with all the doors).
Annabelle poked her head through the door and said, “You’re back! Finally, I was beginning to think you’d been kidnapped or something. Oh, er… you’re all wet, did you slip?”
Brooklyn just stared at me and grinned.
“Kinda,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
Annabelle’s gaze drifted down to our fingers which are wrapped together and her face lets out a massive smile. I’d never seen Annabelle smile before, but it made her look even more beautiful than usual.
She rushed over and gave me a hug and then knocked Brooklyn on the shoulder.
“Awwh… I’m so happy for you both. Guys! Brooklyn and Bryony are going out!” she yelled so loud, I thought people above ground would hear it.
I laughed as Brooklyn put his arm around me and guided me into the living room, where everyone was.
They were all making such a fuss, but I suppose it was just a relief that Brooklyn and I were officially together. I went and got changed into my blue blouse and trousers that I was given on my first day there. I felt so at home, so peaceful and way more loved than I ever did in the city. Back there, I was known as the scientist’s daughter, people thought that I thought exactly the same as my mother and father.
Here they let me be myself and think myself. I wandered back into the living room, where Caroline handed me a pair of gloves. Brooklyn was already in the greenhouse, looking after his apple trees.
“Would you do some weeding please, pet?” said Caroline, as she swept up the large floor with Martha.
I nodded, smiled and went to the greenhouse. On my way, Annabelle was starting up the steps.
“I’m just returning the buckets. Be back in about forty-five minutes,” said Annabelle gesturing to the buckets.
“Okay then,” I said waving and turning for the greenhouse.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as I exhaled a raspberry flew straight into my mouth. It made me jump and then I heard Brooklyn’s childish laugh and I chewed it up.
Since I’d come to Charleston House, I’d learnt that the breakfast is cooked but simple, there is no lunch and a big cooked meal for tea. Brooklyn, Caroline and I would each choose something from the greenhouse and we’d make something with that. Henry trades his books for sugar, flour, eggs, butter and milk. Tonight is Saturday, so we will have some sort of vegetable stew and probably an apple pie. Caroline would save most of Henry’s supplies for Saturday night.
Brooklyn and I picked and planted vegetables and fruits. The overall evening was calm at first. Brooklyn would occasionally peck me on the cheek as he walked by. An hour had passed and it suddenly dawned on me that Annabelle wasn’t back yet.
“Annabelle’s a bit late,” I said to Brooklyn who was on the other side of the greenhouse.
“Nah, I’m sure she’ll be back soon,” he said, scratching his head.
Another half an hour passed by and I started to become extremely anxious about Annabelle. I took off my muddy gloves and knocked on the kitchen door.
“Caroline, Annabelle’s still not home,” I said.
“Yes, it is very late. Why don’t you and Brooklyn go and check up on her?” she said, not showing very much alarm.
I told Brooklyn that we needed to go check on Annabelle. He took my hand as we ascended the stone steps again. We unhinged the hatch and climbed out. Brooklyn put a hand on his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun.
“She could be up at the stream,” he said, as there was no sign of her there.
We strode up the hill and soon the stream came in to view.
There was Annabelle…

WerewolfI had to run. Run and run. To save him. To save them. To save the people. I am Bryony Forrest and this is my story: