It’s been fifteen years since the LUI was stopped and burnt to the ground. But I’m still here at Marchers Field, with Brooklyn. Martha and Henry moved to the city, but they carry supplies back to us. I married Brooklyn two years ago, it was an unusual wedding, only the family were there and I wore no special dress, there was no special music. It was just a quick ceremony up at the river, with one vicar to oversee it and make it official. I am an official Charleston.
And so are my two children. My little girl who is two, we named her Annie after Annabelle and my little boy, Dart who is six months old. We named Dart after the river Dart – a river full of energy.
I walk hand in hand with Brooklyn, with a picnic basket in my arm. Sophia, my not-so-little sixteen year old sister picks daisies as we climb the hill to the river. Caroline and Clive are at home, and me and Brooklyn are taking Annie and Dart up the river for a picnic. Sophia is meeting her boyfriend, Jeremy there and they are walking down to the city.
I smile and glance at Brooklyn who is helping Annie up the hill. The cities laws have relaxed and now anybody is allowed in the city and there are no gates. Yet, we still prefer our home in the field.
“Look Bryony, a rabbit,” says Brooklyn, pointing at a rabbit leaping up the hill.
“I wonder if it is related to that Rabbit I saved,” I say, moving closer to Brooklyn.
“It would be brilliant if it was,” he says, kissing me on the cheek.
“I love you Brooklyn,” I say.
“I love you Bryony,” says Brooklyn.
I smile and look at the wonderful life I have. I am happy, I am safe, I am loved.

WerewolfI had to run. Run and run. To save him. To save them. To save the people. I am Bryony Forrest and this is my story: