Understandings of sanctuary (6 weeks later)

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     The asteroid was visible in the sky, getting closer every second. The calculations had already been done, indicating that the asteroid would crash right in the middle of the four nations. Causing equal damage to the four nations. I quickly tried to think of something. The rest of the nation's citizens had already been evacuated and were in multiple boats off the coast. Me and Noire remained at the Basilicom. We both believed in the saying: "The captain goes down with the ship". In this case it implied that if Lastation would fall, we would fall with it. The asteroid got closer and closer until I felt something. An enormous power surged through me, sending me to my knees.

-"Rick? Are you okay?" Noire asked.

     I didn't answer as I felt myself go HDD mode. But it felt like more than that, like an upgrade from HDD. I finished transforming and saw Noire look on in surprise. I looked down at myself to see that I had turned into a form that looked more powerful than my HDD mode, an ultimate mode. I turned towards Noire and heard a voice in my head, Sophie's voice.

-"Rick, the souls of the dead do not wish to see you die. They just gave you their life energy, and I will be by your side. You have the power to stop that rock. I don't know what will happen when you eject all of your newly acquired energy but you have to save Gamindustri!" She said.

-"Understood Sophie." I said.

-"You're hearing her voice again aren't you?" Noire asked.

-"Yeah, I'm sorry Noire but there's a chance to save Gamindustri and I don't plan to miss it."

     She nodded.

-"Do what you have to do. I'm rooting for you!" Noire said.

     I smiled and flew off towards the expected crash site. Once I got there, I was right under the meteor. I charged up as I saw the souls of the dead circle me. I would essentially be firing souls at the meteor. I had to do this for everyone, for Lastation, for Noire. The charging reached its limit and I fired with so much force that it was hard to stay up right. I felt massive amounts of pain in my body as the souls exited me, hitting the meteor. I finished firing and toppled to my knees. I looked up in time to see the rest of the souls incinerating the meteor, leaving ashes in the sky. I felt myself fading, I couldn't take the sudden pain and exhaustion and fell to the ground and passed out as I heard the sound of a helicopter getting closer. I did it. I saved Gamindustri.




I awoke in a hospital room with doctors at my side.

-"Oh my god...Back from the dead!" One doctor said.

-"Heart rate is back online! Amazing!" Another said.

-"Stabilize his arteries! Quickly!" Another said.

-"Several internal injuries! Get on that!" Another said.


     The doctors signaled that I try to stand and I slowly got out of bed. The doctors cheered in celebration.

-"This is our greatest achievement yet!" One doctor said.

-"At ease men." I said.

     I was barely able to speak as I started walking towards the door. Once out of the operating room, I was immediately hugged by Noire, almost sending me to the ground.

-"Rick! You're alive!! Thank the creator!!" Noire said.

-"Yes, I'm here Noire, in the flesh."

-"Let's go outside. There's some people that want to see you alive."


     We walked towards the door and got outside. The first thing I heard was people cheering my name and fireworks going off. Was the entire nation having a party?! Noire was looking at me with a reassuring smile. I heard a voice in my head, Sophie's again.

-"Rick, you're now the savior of the dead and the living." Sophie said.

     I turned to Noire and held her head softly, bringing it closer to mine. Right there, in front of the whole nation, live on TV, I kissed Noire passionately and eventually pulled away. I looked towards the camera and saluted the audience. Noire was blushing as I rose back up to the Basilicom's balcony. I looked over at the nation with a look of satisfaction on my face. I felt pride within me as I partied all night.





     I awoke to the sound of someone in our apartment. I got out of bed and walked up to the man. He saw me and saluted.

-"What are these?" I asked.

-"Thank you letters sir."

-"Oh okay, are there any more?"

-"No sir, these are the last of them."

-"Thank you mister, dismissed."

     He turned and left the room and Noire came into the room. She saw the big pile of letters and looked over to me.

-"For you I assume?" She asked.

-"They're thank you letters, for both of us."

-"Let's go through them right now!"


     We started going through the letters until one caught my attention. There was a line that said:

-"Thanks for all your service Black heart! (BTW can't wait until you guys get married!)

-"Noire this one's for you." I said.

     She took it and blushed furiously after reading it. I went over to the balcony and looked out over our peaceful nation and thought if that note would ever become a reality.


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