Chapter Five: His Beautiful Mate

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"What did Ivy say about me," Nikolai questioned. He and Angela were out in the middle of the ballroom floor, causing a visual ruckus amongst the other guests. He tried to ignore the stares and whispers, but each second he was in the spotlight made him question the decision he made.

"She told me who you were, how important you are, and how... unusual this is for you." She plastered on a fake smile.

"Consider yourself lucky then."

She scoffed. "I guess I should since you practically bought my company through a round of shots."

"'Practically', though. Because in addition to the round of shots, you still agreed," he said, his face inches from her own, "and now I got my dance."

The next song began and the couples on the floor took each other's hands, purposefully moving closer towards Nikolai and Angela. Angela hesitantly grasped his, and when Nikolai took it in his own, he felt an overpowering sensation course through him. It engulfed him in a wave of serenity, as if he and Angela were one with each other. The hundreds of people surrounding him were nonexistent. His entire focus was on the girl in front of him, who was pressed against his body, and visibly experiencing the same feeling. Their bodies flooded with warmth, and pooled with heat at their apexes. Dumbstruck, she tilted her head up to speak to Nikolai but found herself at a loss for words. His irises were glowing a brilliant gold and her own an icy blue.

As they were lost in the moment, and standing stuck in one spot, the dancers who they disturbed from a smooth waltz looked at them irritated before stopping altogether and staring aghast. Nikolai could not care less at their gawking, because in that moment all he could concentrate on was how Angela's presence fit perfectly with his within the universe.

"Oh. My. Fuck." Were the only words Angela could muster. They were spoken so low that even Nikolai could barely hear them. Yet those same words were swirling around his own head. Before any more inappropriate terms could be exchanged between the pair, the assembly of people was parted by a man rampaging towards the couple.

"You back off my daughter," he bellowed as he shoved himself between Angela and Nikolai.

He grabbed Nikolai by the shirt collar and pushed him backwards until his back was almost flat on the nearest table. All Nikolai could see in front of him was the blurred, red face of an incredibly angry father. On top of the threatening aura he held, Nikolai could sense that his attacker was also an alpha. In response to being in danger, Nikolai felt his claws extend from his fingertips, ready to defend against his hostile opponent. Nikolai grabbed his attacker's wrists in an attempt to loosen the tightly pulled collar from the chokehold he was in.

"What were you planning on doing, huh," the man growled furiously. "Tell me!"

Nikolai fought back halfheartedly, too distracted by the events and emotions he just experienced.

"Emiliano," Alpha Pierce shouted as he forcefully pushed himself in-between the pair. When he successfully tore Nikolai away, more men were containing Alpha Emiliano.

"Nikolai," Alpha Pierce said, "Nikolai, are you okay? What happened there?"

"Where's Angela? I'm fine, but where did she go?"

"Who is Angela?"

"The girl I was dancing with," Nikolai said. He spoke lowly in Andrew's ear, "She's my mate."

"What," he responded, a shocked look on his face.

"Just, something happened. I'll explain later," Nikolai paused, looking around the gala space for her. "Where is she?"

"I don't know, but Nikolai, we gotta get out of here and settle this. As you can see, he is not happy."

"Well obviously! But his daughter being my mate wasn't either of our decisions."

"That doesn't matter to him right now. All he is thinking about right now is how you were with his one and only daughter. We have to leave, if you still being here causes him to change it's not going to look good. These servers are human."

Nikolai reluctantly followed his friend out of the crowded area, still searching the room for any sign of his mate to no avail. When he was finally outside the venue, Alpha Pierce hailed down a cab for Nikolai and ushered him in.

"Look man," he said through the open door. "you'll be fine. Emiliano will calm down, and hopefully allow his daughter to see you again. If you two are apart for too long, it'll be painful on both ends. If she is your mate, he can't keep you two apart. Go back to your hotel and stay there," He sighed, "This is going to be a shitstorm tomorrow."

Then he closed the door and walked up the stairs back to the gala. Nikolai wasn't too fazed by the turn of events of the evening though. He wasn't even worried about what the Council would think of this discovery the next day. Instead, Nikolai was in a daze, thousands of thought running through his mind all on one topic: his beautiful mate.  

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