[ᴀᴅʀɪᴇɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ] Love At First Flight

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"Please fasten your seat belts, and return your seats to its upright and locked position," the recorded voice of a flight attendant spoke out from the cabin's speakers.

Eyes wide open, Marinette fumbled around her seat to lock in her seat belt. Once she did, she cupped her cheeks in her pale, cold hands and took a glance out of the window. 

We're still down here. Good, she thought with a reassured sigh. 

Her wailing moments were temporarily blocked away at the present, for at least five more minutes. Her feet were uncomfortably shuffling on the carpet, and she started to make the bubbling noises that she would usually do whenever she was nervous. And indeed, her soul was black and blue from all the anxiety.

"You okay, there?" Marinette turned her face to the person sitting next to her. He had breathtakingly blond hair and emerald eyes. He had his eye mask up on his forehead as he spoke to the girl.

"First flight?" He asked again, noticing the nerve-wracking shock on her face. The boy wanted to be most friendly to her, since he's quite the charmer inside.

"Y-yeah," she replied, nodding repeatedly. "I've never been outside Paris before..."

"Ah, you'll be fine," the blond reassured her with a smile. "This is probably the thirty-third flight I've been on in my entire life, and I can tell you that the boats are worse."

Marinette let out a soft giggle. She thought that this guy was quite friendly, and her feet started to feel warmer and calmer.

"I'm Marinette," she held out her hand. "How about you?"

"Adrien," the guy replied. He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he gave it a light kiss. Marinette blushed profusely, and she swore she could see a slight tint on his nose, as well.

"What brings you to hop on a plane to Beijing today, my lady?" Adrien smirked — his eyebrows gently wiggling for more effect.

What a flirt, Marinette thought. As flirty as he looked like though, she was really quite attracted to the stranger.

"I'm visiting my mum's family," she replied. "You?"

"You might not want to know," Adrien shook his head and turned his face to the back of the seat in front of him.

"Please, do tell—" A rapid shake of the cabin caused Marinette to stop talking and clutch her hands back to her armrest. Knuckles white, she held on for her dear life as the plane started to slowly ascend into the air. She let off a small whimper every five seconds, and mumbled out a hushed prayer with her eyes closed. He laughed quietly in his seat and watched the new flyer in comedic awe.

The alert lights soon turned off, and the people in the plane started to unbuckle their seat belts, and moved around the plane. It was a really large plane for a first-timer like Marinette. There were around three floors of seats, and she could only afford the economy class ones at the bottom. 

"You done with your panic attack, love?" Adrien asked her.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. Anyway, about my question."

"I don't want to answer it," he bit his lip. "It's better if you don't know."

"Fine, then, Mr. Secret-Pants," she huffed and crossed her arms in her seat. 

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