1. Meet her

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(Y/n) blankly stared at the open space in front of her, looking at the same old boring view, books scattered on her bed and gown wrinkled due to her activities the past night.

There are pine trees everywhere, no not green like it usually look like– but jet black.

It looks terrifying on the eyes of a plain villager but the Princess was used to it, considering the fact that she lived her for the past seven years.

Thorny ferns, and branches surrounded the tower that made it tenfold vile than it should be.

It was the same for decades, a colorless and lifeless horizon that it almost looks like she lived on an animated world with all black and whites.

(Y/n) can't even tell which color is which if it weren't for the help of Dragon—it's not really his name, she knew that, even if she practically bug him to tell her even with just one letter, he didn't budge.

So she just settled on calling him "Dragon" a very blunt yet straight forward name for his other form.

He seems fine about it so there's no problem.

"Where are you, Dragon?" The bored Princess whispered under his breath, putting her head on top of her knees, thinking of ways to occupy her mind.

The tower she lived in is a hellhole.
Plain old boring is an understatement.

The moment she whispered those words, a warm wind went passed the window.

The (h/c) girl quickly spun around for she knew it was the man she was dying to talk for hours now and was met by a grinning pink-let standing flamboyantly a good meter away from her.

He has unusual salmon hair, tan skin with sharp canine teeth, onyx eyes shining from the flickering light of her newly lit candle and his body as well toned as the hunters she reads on the book he brought a week before.

"Miss me already, Princess?" The man teased as he stride two steps towards (Y/n).

"Oh shush," (Y/n) scolded and clicked her tongue with amusement, opening her palms wide. "Where's my berries?"

The salmon haired boy raised his brows, "Where's my reward first?"

(Y/n) rolled her (e/c)-eyes and ran towards her wooden closet, stooping down to pick up his reward.

After she found it for a good solid minute rummaging the dusty floor, she walked towards Dragon and gave him, her reward which is on a
Tan colored medium-size box.

"Here. . .I know it's not the best but be flattered." She spoke with a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks and and averted her gaze to the side.

The man accepted the reward with a smile itch on his face, instantly opening the lid and tossed it to the side.

His smile grew even wider the moment he caught a glimpse of her present.

The Princess gave him a red knitted shirt, with his hoax name engraved on it.

He picked up the shirt with one hand and saw a white text on the center. "Dragon?" He chuckled and smirked, catching a glance at (Y/n).

That's not his name.

"It isn't my fault you've never told me your real name!" She stated defensively, puffing her cheeks with a pout.

Making her ten times cuter than she was a second ago.

Natsu shook his head when he began to think of touching her face with his fingers, tracing every edges that he can.

"Calm down, your highness." He laughed as he pinch her nose, making her turn beet red.

"I was just teasing you." He continued and quickly wore his new shirt on top of his old one.

He looks down at his clothes, scrutinizing the details (Y/n) made and nods with content.

It wasn't really the best quality shirt but it was soft and warm and he likes that feeling. "I will wear this forever." He announced, inhaling the scent the shirt illuminated.

It was (Y/n)'s.

"Forever?" The (h/c)-haired girl repeated as she rose her brow suggestively, "Really dragon boy?" And now the table has turned and (Y/n)'s the one who used the tone of mockery.

He used to hate her calling him names but he got used to it through time. Maybe because they have known each other for god knows how long.

The moment she said that, he chuckled lightly and tossed her a bag full of berries in which she caught effortlessly.

"Your welcome." He said with a grin showing off his sharp teeth, putting his arms on his waist.

Her (e/c) hues started sparkling when she opened the paper bag with tons of wild blue berries.

She mouthed a "thank you" and started picking a handful of berries, tossing it on her mouth and chewed it's delicious goodness like a binge-eater she is.

Natsu chuckled as he stride towards the bed side where there's a wooden chair.

"I've heard some rumors—" he spoke, sitting on the wooden chair with his legs cross. "That on a day or two your knight and shining armor is coming." He air quoted and rolled his eyes.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in fraction and choked on her berries."Y-You're joking, right?" She stuttered and started coughing.

"I'm not, I've heard the villagers talking when I was buying that at the market." He remarked, pointing at the berries (Y/n)'s eating.

"You didn't bought it, you stole it." (Y/n) corrected while narrowing her eyes at him."That's bad." She stated and chewed.

Dragon frowned at her. "Don't eat it then." He was about to grab the bag of berries when (Y/n) blocked his hand midway.

"I'm not complaining."

Her Own Tale → Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now