2. Cookies

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(Y/n) was pacing back and forth on the dirtied bricks she was standing.

Her mind is floating right now.

Her knight is coming, for years and years waiting for him, now's the time!

She felt ecstatic!

She smiled widely and clasped her hands. "What would he look like?" She asked herself absentmindedly, suddenly grew curious.

"Is he more handsome than Dragon—no." She shook her head, why is she even thinking about Dragon?

(Y/n) plopped on her hard white bed, and picked up the nearest book she finds and started reading.

After flipping the first page she groaned and laid down, "What a pain, these are the same books I was reading for years!"

She looked at the plain ripped ceiling which was supposedly pastel pink but now was washed out and and stared at it blankly for a solid two minutes.

When she suddenly have an idea.

She giggled with excitement, "How about . . . sketching my knight's face?"

She cupped her own face and created an oval-shape form mouth.

"That sounds fun!" She chirped happily.

As quick as a bolt, she went to her wooden desk and picked up a piece of paper and a pencil made of charcoal that she and Dragon made.

"Is his nose probably like this—No, how about his eyes? Does it looks like this?" (Y/n) scratched her head multiple times and pout.

"I can't figure it out!" She whined prolonging the last word, marching towards her bed and laid down on it with a flop.

Minutes of staring at the ceiling again, her boredom was eating her optimistic vibe.

When she found out an idea that would totally kill her boredom.

"Dragon!" She called out, and yawned relentlessly, now laying down on the bricked floor due to the warm climate.

Her sweat trickling on her forehead.

A few moments later, someone kicked her shin lightly."What?"

(Y/n) jumped with surprise and hit her head on the desk, touching her pounding chest with a surprise face. "You startled me!"

"You're the one who called me out, so it's not my fault." He defended and crossed his arms.

She sent him a death glare and massaged her head.

Dragon chuckled at (Y/n)'s state,  and took huge strides towards the hissing girl and started sniffing her.

As quick as lightning, (Y/n) jerked away with all of her effort and pushed him away but he stayed on his place, amuse at her behavior.

What is he doing sniffing like that?

"Take a shower, princess. You stink."

Her eyes widened with anger,
"I've just took a shower.You—"

He cut her off and laughed lightly,
"Why are you so grumpy?" He asked, pulling her up, skillfully.

Her Own Tale → Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now