6. Runaway

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"Are you ready?" (Y/n) asked excitedly, she packed all of her things including her clothes, bread and berries.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu answered with full of excitement, it was his first time running away and his first time being free.

He's certainly joyous! Being free is one of the things that he wished for, and now?

Running away along with (Y/n) is a dream come true!

"What are we waiting for?" (Y/n) smiled, picking up her bag.

It was near dawn so they needed to get out of the tower as soon as possible.

He chuckled and bent down kneeling on the floor, "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked confusingly.

"Giving you a piggy back ride,but if you wont, you can just jump on the tower—"

"Ok, geez." She rode on his back with pink tint adorning her cheeks. She was just trying to tease him.

He tittered, feeling his heart pumping hard again. He can smell her strong fresh vanilla scent resonating and definitely  made him feel good , "You're heavier than I thought." He jested in which earns a spank on the head.

"I'm not!" She yelled defensively.

"Yeah Yeah."
Natsu walked towards the window, while (Y/n) inhaled a handful of air.

They gaze at the view and sighed, it's now or never.

(Y/n) was now on hysteria mode.
She can now touch the grass once again, smell the flowers, and inhale the fresh air!

She's overly excited, emotions came splurging out on her.

"Be ready Princess." Natsu huskily said, and by now he was standing in the open window carrying out the elated (Y/n).

"I was born ready." She answered confidently.

"Count one to five backwards."
He ordered, he can feel her tensing up. Who wouldn't? They're a hundred feet away from the ground.

She nervously hummed, "5—waaah! You idiot!" Before she can even finish her counting, Natsu jumped and spread out his wings and cracked up hard, (Y/n) on the other hand was on the verge of crying, who knows if they might die?

For Pete's sake!

She felt her head was decapitated from her body!

She closed her eyes shut feeling the wind blowing on her face,"I'm gonna kill you when we sit on the ground!" She yelled, furiously.

"Open your eyes,(Y/n). I will not let go of you," She shut her eyes even more and shook her head heavily.

"I promise." He whispered again. He sounds believable, so she open her eyes slowly.

And all she can do is open her mouth with awe, "This looks. . .amazing!" (Y/n) exclaimed with glee. She clung over Natsu and smiled widely.

"I told you." He smirked,
"Now get ready for some dip." He sent force towards his wings and went down with the help of gravity.

(Y/n) shrieked with surprise clinging to the salmon haired boy with all her life."You—"
She shut her eyes quickly, she don't want to die this way!

She want to cook some croissant on a real kitchen!

"Look (Y/n), the illusion vanished." Natsu poke her cheeks with a free hand but (Y/n) being stubborn as she are just shook her head and clung to him even more.

The dark forest is just an illusion for people to believe that you'll be dead after you step foot on it.

Natsu knew it since his toddler days.

Landing on the soft grass Natsu grinned, "Open your eyes, we're on the ground now." he said and bent down, letting (Y/n) caress the grass she's been longing to touch.

When she felt the grass, she flinched."It. . .tickles!" She laughed and spun around. Feeling the green grass on her bare feet.

Instead of a dark forest,it's colorful. She giggled on the back of her mind.

It's her first time for a very long time to see this breath taking horizon, the birds, the trees, the flowers. . .everything.

Natsu looked at her with pure awe and he have a wide smile plastered on his face, She's free.

He followed her looking through some daisies, caressing it like it's the most fragile thing ever. "It's so soft." She commented and giggled.

She's just looking through some mushrooms, plants and trees, touching it with pure wonder.

(Y/n) looked like a child who just discovered the world.

Nevertheless, she looked so cute and innocent in which made Natsu blush and admire her even more.

Natsu is just following her strolling around, telling her all the information and names.

When his stomach grumbled, (Y/n) cracked up and picked up her bag, "Let's have a picnic,like the books I've read." Natsu nods shyly.

They sat on the green grass, squatting. (Y/n) gave him a sandwich and berries and seconds after that, they started munching.

Minutes passed and they're fully bloated so they decided to lay down on the soft grass staring at the horizon.

"Natsu," (Y/n) silently mumbled.
Natsu turn his head around and gave her a what look.

"Can I. . .touch your hair?" She hesitantly asked and looked away instantly.

She's been meaning to feel his hair, Is it soft? Or hard to caress? Because his hair style is quite spiky, he must've put some wax over it.

Natsu's face was full of shock and astonishment.

The princess wants to touch his. . .hair?

"Oh, umm." He cleared his throat. "Of course y-you can, I guess?" He stuttered out.

(Y/n) clap her hands with glee and without wasting any time she touched his hair, combing it back and forth.

Natsu closed his eyes, feeling the warmth illuminating from (Y/n)'s hand.

His heart was beating erotically but he could care less, the princess was stroking his hair for Pete's sake!

It smells so good and soft, she thought.

She wondered why is it pink though but settle down by  shrugging it off. "Your hair is so soft, Natsu." She couldn't help but say.

She thought it was hard, cause his hair style is spiky. "Do you apply any hair products?"

"No, it's natural." He answered, shyly. Does she hate his hair?

"I love it." She whispered,still combing it back and forth.

Her Own Tale → Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now