/ Special Chapter /

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"Oh come on, (Y/n)!" Natsu whined as he dramatically fall on the open field holding his chest like a dying person.

"Oh shush." (Y/n) chuckled and spun around her summer dress with the wind caressing her flawless face. "You're just a weasel." She continued and showed off her tongue, putting her two hands on her waist and lean towards the pink-haired man.

Natsu automatically growled upon hearing that sentence, "Hey I'm not a weasel! People call me the great Salamander and the mightiest dragon!" He emphasized and hissed as he stood up from the grass in which caught up on his pants.

(Y/n) just laugh it out and continued walking wondrously all over the hill, looking at the amazing view ahead of them with pure satisfaction.

There are chrysanthemums, wild roses, tulips, and many flowers that she can even think of, everywhere. The trees held a canopy for themselves—it's just beautiful, okay?

"Ahhh, I'll never gonna get tired of this view." She mumbled to herself and absentmindedly sigh.

"Me too." A soft whisper from behind her,spoke, "And I'll never get tired of you." He continued as he snake his chiseled arms on her waist and rested his chin on her bare shoulders.

She could smell his intoxicating scent. "Geez, you're really smooth Natsu." (Y/n) laughed and spank him playfully.

He hummed happily and watched the sun ready to set ahead of them.

They're on top of the hill right now, looking at the view which is requested by his wife.

She told him she wanted to breath some fresh air, so he oblige.

"Look hun, the sun is setting."

"I can see that." He chuckled, she really is the perfect girl for him. So blunt and so savage.

They slowly sat at the pure green grass with a contented smile plastered on their face, "By tomorrow I'm gonna pick out some berries, would you want some?" Natsu asked as he put (Y/n)'s locks on her ears that's was once covering half of her face.

"Yes, please."

Upon hearing that he snorted.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?"

"I've never heard you say please—well exception last night we—awww! Stop it!" He laughed as (Y/n) punch him on his biceps multiple times. It really hurts a lot actually.

"Would you shut it out? It's embarrassing!" She yelled as she covered herself with her arms, her face as pink as her husband's hair.

"I'm just stating the fact y'know." He stated as he gave her the most flirtatious smirk he could ever muster.

(Y/n) rolled her eyeballs dramatically, he really is mischievous.

When they heard the crickets 'cricking' Natsu impulsively carried her bridal style, "Natsu!" She squealed.

"Let's go to the town, I wanna show you something." He whispered as he gave her the warmest smile she has ever seen, (y/n)'s heart couldn't stop beating rapidly.

In a swift motion they're now flying.

Oh, god knows (Y/n)'s fear of heights.

"You really know ways on how to scare me huh?" She chuckled and touch Natsu's face with her palm.

"Baby, I won't ever let go of you." He answered and kissed her forehead.

"Tsk. You're making me blush."

"Is it working?"

"I just said making me blush so it's still on the future." She reasoned out and pinch the bridge of his nose.

Her Own Tale → Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now