I Meet the Parents

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I Meet the Parents

"I thought we were going to pick up your mom at the hair salon. This is the way back to Sand Key. I thought she lived in Tampa."

"We are," Mia said. "But it's not just any old beauty shop. It's her spa trip. You know where rich people get their total bodies pampered as well as their hair done," Mia said looking at me curiously. "She'll likely drop over eight hundred bucks there in about 4 hours of pampering."

"So where do mom and stepdad live? For some reason I thought they lived somewhere in Tampa. Maybe it was something Langdon told me."

"Well," Mia said, "they lived in Tampa when Vickie was with them. Most of Ted's businesses are in Tampa, but they live in Belleair Beach. They moved there a couple of years ago. Bought the big house and boat and are living the good life."

"Whew-that's money big time." The cheapest place on that strip overlooking the gulf probably weighed in at a million and a half plus.

"Yeah, you're going out with the step daughter of a rich guy."

"So it would seem. So why do you live where you live?"

"I can't stand Ted," Mia said. "And I like my own space. And sort of like you Joe, I don't want their handouts. The less time I spend with Terry and Ted, the happier I am even though I live in a dump."

"That hurts-my room isn't a dump. I think of it as quaint."

"I was talking about my apartment-your oars Joe-keep them in the water. Ted doesn't have a great sense of humour."

"Sometime, maybe we could talk about the Ted part. Okay?"

"No," Mia snapped.

"Or not," I back pedaled.

When the 686 intersected Gulf Boulevard, I turned left through the Beach and on into Sand Key. As we drove along, I noticed that Mia's left leg had started to pump. She was worried. On the inland waterway side of Sand Key, there was a strip mall with a liquor store, a couple of expensive restaurants and boutiques and an exclusive designer clothing store. A Bank of America as well as The Crescendo sat in the central location of the mall. I pulled in between a large BMW and a new Lexus. Mia jumped out of the Jag and headed for the spa. Seconds later, she emerged from Crescendo and headed off to the liquor store.

A few minutes later she was back at the passenger door.

"Lend me some money Joe-please."

"Sure, how much do you need? And why do you need it?"

"Mom told me Ted is working at home. I should get him something."

I reached into my pocket and gave her twenty dollars.

"I'll need more than that. I'll pay you back."

I gave her all I had left-two more twenties. "Thanks Joe." She ran back to the booze shop.

A few minutes later, she placed a bagged bottle of expensive single malt scotch upright on the floor in front of the passenger's seat.

"Why the booze?" I asked.

"For Ted."

"I know, but why? You're a waitress, and it sounds as if he has more money than a third nation country. Why are you buying him scotch?"

"Er, what do you mean?" Mia said before she turned to head back off to escort her mom from The Crescendo.

"You know what I mean-why a peace offering for your stepdad?" May as well prod the abuse angle when the opportunity presents itself.

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