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I'm dragging my luggage and walk slowly on the street.

It's already dark and i have nowhere to go.

My wrist started to bruise because he grip too hard before.

My back aching because my father hit there several times.

Thinking of that make me miss my father and regretting my decision to leave my own father but there's no way i would go back.

I look down and continue my step.

My head is getting dizzy and my vision started to blur.

I keep walking slowly as i try to make myself awake until i bumped into someone.

I bow and apologize to that person.

"I'm sorry." I try to look up but my head is getting heavier and the ground is shaking.

With that i black out.


I woke up in unfamiliar room (in the media).

Where am i? How do i get here?

I try to sit on the bed when the door open and reveal a girl around my age wearing a maid uniform with a tray of food and water on her hand

"Miss, you are awake." She said politely and bow to me.

I slightly bow and look at the surrounding.

She put the tray on the table beside the bed.

"Uhm, can i ask you something?" I ask to her.

"Sure miss." She smile to me.

"Where is this place?"

"It's Oh family's mansion, miss."

"Ma- mansion? How do i get here?" I started to panick.

"Relax miss, last night you fainted after you bumped into mr. Kim. At least that's what i heard."

"And who is mr. Kim?" I slightly relief.

"Mr. Kim is mr and mrs oh's butler."

Whoa, this family sure is rich. But wait, Oh family? Sounds familiar to me.
And then i realised something

"What time is it??"

"It's 9 AM miss."

What??! I'm late for school!

Yeah, i still go to school.
How to pay the school tuition?
That's easy : scholarship, because i'm smart as hell !! LoL.

I quickly stand up from the bed but my back aching so sudden.

"Miss, are you alright? Where are you going?" The maid approach me with worried face.

"School, i'm late for school."

She look at me in disbeliefe and a second later she chuckle and that chuckle turn into a laugh.

What the? -_-

"Ah, i'm sorry miss i didn't mean to. But you don't have to go to school because it's sunday."

"Is that so?" I scratch my head. It's really embarassing.

She nodded and smile to me. "Miss, you can eat your breakfast and after that ms. Oh want to see you. I'll wait outside if you need something." She excuse herself.

"Wait, what is your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Hani, miss..."

"Lee Jieun. Stop calling me miss. Just call me Jieun, okay?"


"No but, Hani. And no, don't wait outside. Just stay here, accompany me" I cut her off and she just nodded.

We talk about some girly stuff while i eat the breakfast.
Hani is really a nice girl and i'm comfortable to talk to her.
She really reminds me to my bestfriend Nana.

Now she lead me to mrs. Oh's room. This mansion sure is huge and i'm sure i'll lost if i Hani didn't accompany me.

We stop in front of a door.

"Here we are. This is mrs. Oh's room. I'll leave you here then." She bow to me.

"Thank you Hani and it's nice to meet you." I hug her.

She hug me back. "It's really nice to meet you too, Jieun."

I bid goodbye to Hani and facing the door.

I sigh and getting myself mentally prepare.

I raise my hand and knock at the door softly..

No answer...

I try to knock a little harder this time..

Still no answer..

I'm about to knock again when suddenly the door open reveal a beautiful woman around my mom's age. Her face is familiar but i can't remember where i see her.

"Oh, you're here." She give me a heart-warming smile.

"Good morning, my name is Lee Jieun. Thank you for your help yesterday, mrs. Oh." I bow to her.

"It's okay and no need to be so formal, just call me auntie, okay?"

I smile and nodded. "Mrs. O... i mean auntie. Hani said that you want to see me..."

"Yes, that's right. But first let me ask you something. Don't you remember me?"

"I'm sorry auntie, your face is familiar but i can't remember. I'm sorry." I apologize to her.

"It's okay. I remember your face because you did something that people seldom do nowadays."


I'm working at Nana's mom cafe after school.

I was cleaning the table when i realise the customer left her phone on the table.

I took the phone and quickly run to find the phone owner.

Luckily she didn't go to far and she's looking for something in her bag.

I approach her. "Excuse me, are you looking for this?"

She look up and i show her the phone. Her face light up and she gave me a heart-warming smile.

"Yes, where did you find this?" She asked.

"You left it at the table ma'am."

"Ah really? Thank you so much, i owe you."

"It's nothing ma'am, i'm glad that you are still here. Now i have to go back to work. Excuse me ma'am and have a nice day." I bow to her and walk back to the cafe.

End of flashback...

"I remember now! You were the owner of that phone, right auntie?" I said happily because i can remember her.

I may be smart as hell at study but i easily forgot someone's face if we met in short time.

"That's right Jieun. So now i want to ask you something."

"Do you want to work for me?"

I look at her in disbelief.

"But auntie, are you sure?"

"Of course, i trust you, jieun,"

How can she easily trust a stranger like me??

"I trust you because i know you are a responsible girl and i know you are capable for this work. How is it?"

"Alright then auntie. I'll take the job." I agree because i want to repay her kindness for helping me yesterday.

"But auntie, what can of job is it?" I asked her.

"You will work as my son personal assistant..."

To be continue...

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