U Got Me In Chains

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Piero POV
I was in my room changing when I heard Maria screaming frantically downstairs.
I ran down the stairs, skipping steps.
She was outside running down the driveway and screaming, "Come back!!!"
All I could see was the outline of a black SUV driving away. I ran over to her and tears streaked her face.
"They took her, they put her in the trunk and just drove off!!!"
"What?! Who took who?"
"Some guys took Dez and just threw her in their car!"
"Did you get to see their face? Get their scent?"
"No, it happened too fast. I was coming out of the living room and I saw him taking her. She looked unconscious..."
I screamed out in anger. Who dare take my love?!
"Call the group together. We're going to find her and get her back."

I woke up in the back of a trunk with my hands and ankles tied with metal. Well, there's no way I'm getting out of that. I cursed when the car drove over a pothole and I banged my head on the top of the trunk. Who would do this?! The car came to a stop and I listened, looking for clues that would tell me where I was. The people in the car got out and slammed the doors shut.
"We got her. Where do you want her?"
"Put her in the east wing where no one will see her."
Footsteps came toward the trunk and I prepared myself for battle. The ugly bastard from earlier opened the trunk and I kicked him in the nose. He howled in pain as blood dripped from it. He glared at me and punched me across the face. I groaned and saw flashes of white. "Bitch. You're lucky he wants you alive." He threw me over his shoulder like I was a rag doll and I squirmed. He pulled my hair in response, so I just stopped moving. Señor Ugly carried me up a large flight of stairs and went to the farthest room at the end of the hall. He threw me in a hard wooden chair facing the wall and tied me to it with more metal. What is with these people and metal? I was sitting in silence with my back to the door until I felt a rough hand touch my neck. "What pretty marks. Shame he didn't get to enjoy them."
I narrowed my eyes. Who was this freak? Mystery guy walked in front of me and I gasped.
He looked very surprised.
"You remember who I am?"
"Yeah, you're that guy that Piero hates with his entire soul."
"Ah, that's good to know. You want to know a secret? I hate him, too."
"Cut the crap. What do you want?"
"What everybody wants. To take over the world."
"Why? That sounds so boring and tedious.""I like things that are hard."
I burst out laughing.
"What? Oh, you're bad. Is that why he likes you? Your crude humor?"
I gasped and my eyes widened.
"OMG, I just figured out why you hate Piero. You're actually gay and you're into him! You got jealous cuz he started liking me, so you kidnap me to get his attention."
"Oh, no, disgusting! Not even close! Ugh, I'm going to barf."
"Don't deny it!" I said in a singsong voice.
He called one of his people in and demanded, "Put tape on her mouth. I've heard enough from her!"
I laughed maniacally and screamed out, "Darren's gay!" so the whole house could hear.
"No, shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!"
His minion put a strip of duct tape on my mouth and strands of my hair got caught in it. Ow. Hopefully he doesn't do anything to me. All I have to do is wait for Piero to find me...

Piero POV
I was barking orders at my pack like a mad man. "Reece, follow the tracks from the car and see how far they go. It was a black SUV."
"Jay, call the nearest packs and tell them to look out for the SUV and keep an eye out for Dez."
"Theo, set up an amber alert."
Those bastards were going to pay big time...

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