Night Goobers

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It was impossible to sleep. I had the weirdest feeling and I couldn't shake it off. Three hours of tossing and turning later, I finally got up and went to use the restroom. After washing my face, I was wide awake. I danced in front of the mirror like a retard, having no idea what to do, since everyone else was asleep. I shuffled out of the restroom and skipped down the hall. I stopped in front of Piero's door, curious to see if he was awake, too. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in, smiling like a creep. He was asleep, or so I thought.
"Dez," he called out in a husky voice as I was closing the door. I opened the door, again. I'm probably going to break it with all this opening and closing...
He was sitting up in his bed now, minus a shirt. Heh, wow.
"What are you doing up?"
"I couldn't sleep. It was probably the coffee I had earlier," I replied with my eyes averting him. I'd probably start drooling or say something inappropriate if I kept looking at him.
He scooted over and patted the bed next to him. "You can bunk with me."
"Ah, no, I'm good. I'll just go back to my room-"
"NO, get over here right now," he demanded in his deep alpha voice.
"Fine, you don't have to yell," I stated while shutting the door behind me. I slowly walked toward his bed, as if approaching a monster's hideout. I crawled in and laid flat on my back. "Oh, this bed is so comfortable! I see how it is; give the visitors the crappy beds." I turned to look at him and found him staring at me intently, with those beautiful brown eyes. To ease the awkwardness, I turned onto my side so my back was to him. How does he respond? He wraps his huge arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I shrieked, but quickly quieted. He was so warm. He put one of his legs over me and his warm skin informed me that he wasn't wearing pants either. I whimpered and tried to control my breathing, but was failing miserably. I shivered and he whispered in my ear, "Are you cold, baby? I can warm you up real fast." He placed soft kisses down my neck, along my markings. He stopped on my bite and sucked on it gently.
"Piero, why are you doing this?" I said, staring at the wall with wide eyes.
"Because I haven't had the chance to. Things have been so hectic."
He nipped at my ear and for some reason, tears were dripping down my face. Why are you crying you imbecile!
"Are you alright?" he asked me while pushing my hair behind my ear. I kind of lost it after that.
"Why do people always ask 'are you ok'? It's such a stupid question! I'm clearly not okay. I don't think anyone is ever okay; they just say that so the person asking doesn't keep pestering them. If someone says they're ok, it's a lie!"
"So you're not ok?"
I growled. Was he not listening? Ugh, I hate when people don't listen.
"I'm listening."
I was breathing hard now, hyped up on anger and disappointment with humanity. It's so weird because when I get infuriated, I break out in tears, instead of breaking things or yelling, like normal people would.
"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just have a feeling that I'm not good enough and I never will be. You deserve so much better than me. I'm such a failure-" I said within sobs.
"No, stop saying these horrible things. You're not a failure, you're perfect. You're all I ever wanted in a woman and I am overjoyed to have you in my life. You have stolen my heart, become a part of me, my soul. I could not bear to be apart from you, not even for a moment. I will never let you go or ever stop loving you."
I turned toward him and rested my head on his chest. I lazily ran my finger along the markings on his chest that somehow matched mine. I laughed when he started to sing Eternally, but only loud enough so I could hear.
"I'll be loving you eternally
With a love that's true, eternally
From the start, within my heart
It seems I've always known
The sun would shine
When you were mine
And mine alone

I'll be loving you eternally
There'll be no one new, my dear, for me
Though the sky should fall
Remember I shall always be
Forever true and loving you
"Te amo, Piero."
He looked at me, surprised. "You speak Spanish?"
"What? No. Wait, that was in Spanish?"
"Aw, really? I could have sworn it was Italian."
He laughed. "You were close. It's 'ti amo'. Ti amo più di qualsiasi cosa, Destiny."
I have no idea what he said, but is sounded so nice. "Isn't that the same as Spanish? One letter difference?"
"One letter can change everything." He looked down at me and sighed. Suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he just remembered something.
"Are you excited for the party tomorrow?"
"What party?"
"Nobody told you about it?"
"No. Nobody tells me anything!"
"Well, once a year, a few of the packs get together and just chill. Last year it was at Fede's house and the year before, it was at Benji's."
"Who are they?"
"We've been friends for a while. Federico is the alpha of the eastern pack and Benjamin is in charge of the western one."
"I can't wait to meet them. They seem interesting."
"They're awesome guys. Now go to sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

Not related, but adorable:

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