Making A Choice (Chp. 8)

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   The End. He never thought he would have to return. The large door opened to reveal a wide room, swarming with EnderMen. It was dark so no human could see what lay inside that room. But Rythian wasn't exactly human. He knew where he was supposed to go, so he stepped inside the room and all of the EnderMen turned to stare. the creatures parted, so Rythian had room to move past. but as he did, the tall black monsters snapped at him.




   "Disgrace to EnderMen," all these words circled around him as he traveled to the opposite side of the room. And there stood the thing he never thought he would have to see again. A dragon, the Queen of The End, the End Queen, all these things she was called, but Rythian never called her any of those. The dragon turned it's head to face Rythian. If any one else where to see this dragon, they would run away in fear, but Rythian should no signs that he was frightened.

    "Hello, mother," Rythian said without any emotion.

     "Nice of you to join us," she smirked.

    "Why am I here?" he asked.

    "Well, it seems you have... died."

   "I only died because of the Ender in me taking over!" he snapped. The Queen chuckled lightly.

  "No, you died because you embraced your Ender side and used for what you were supposed to."

  "I could have killed people!"

  "You could have. You should have. And as for your lover, Zoey..."


  "Why not? She doesn't really care about you. I bet she is flirting with that Scientist right now. She's moved on. And she moved on pretty fast, don't you think, son," she said emphasizing the word son.

   "I don't care if Zoey cares about me or not. I don't care if she flirts with Duncan. It' her life, I was just holding her back," he says looking down.

  "You know what, I'll give you a choice. You can come back to life and I'll take all the Ender out of you. For a price,"

  "And that price would be?"

   "If I allow you to become human, you must kill Zoey. No one else, you personally." Rythian looked shocked. "Or, you fight me. I win, you stay in The End forever and take over when I die. If you win, you can become human again," she argued.

   "I will not fight my own mother and I definitely won't kill Zoey."

  "Fine, instead of fighting me, you shall fight the others of your kind."

  Suddenly, hundreds of EnderMen surrounded Rythian. He immediately unsheathed the EnderBane. The monsters hissed in response. Rythian began slashing away at the EnderMan, trying to kill the ones closest to him. But more EnderMen just kept teleporting in, one died, two took its place. Rythian was forced to the ground as the EnderMen clawed at his face, making the scars on his face larger and more prominent. An EnderMan slashed across his entire face. Rythian tried to use his magic to push the creatures away, but it wasn't working. And Rythian fell unconscious...

Sjin's POV (What is wrong with me?)

 I hadn't heard from Duncan and Zoey since I killed Rythian. So, Sips was mad at me for a while, but then got over it. I was chopping trees, when I noticed something odd. And EnderMan was lying on the ground. Except this EnderMan was different. He wasn't as tall as the usual EnderMan, the majority of his skin was dark and scarred like a normal EnderMan, expect a flew blotches were like any other humans. So, I go over and touch, with my foot. I groans in pain. It was so abnormal, yet so fascinating. This would make some awesome experiments. I tied up he creature and carried him back to the compound. This is going to be awesome...

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