Who the Ender- Man is (Chp. 10)

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Sjin's POV

I wanted to see how powerful Ender-Men really were, that's why I locked that one in a cage. He's just a normal Ender-Men out of many. They are basically pouring out of The End. After stabbing the creature with the Ender- Bane, I walked up some stairs, I quickly covered the stairs with some dirt. Someone cleared their their throat, I quickly turned around and saw Sips standing in front of me.


"Oh, um, hey Sips," I say.

"What's down there," Sips demands.


"That staircase you just dug up."

"Just a new room I've been working on."

"Uh huh." Sips pushes past me and digs up the dirt before descending the staircase.

"Sips wait!" I called after him. He continued down before he saw the cage.

"Sjin!!! Really?!? An Ender- Man! I thought you said your little experiments were over!"

"It's just a stupid Ender- Man, he won't bite, I already stabbed him, he's super weak."

"I don't know Sjin, those things are pretty strong," Sips says.

"Oh come on you big babby look!" I fling open the cage door and kick the Ender- Man's side. It moans in pain. I turn back towards Sips. "Told you!"

Sips gulps, "Uhh Sjin," he points behind me. I glance behind me and find not an Ender- Man, but Rythian lying on the ground. I run out of the cage and lock the door.


"So did I!"

"You know we have to keep him here right? If we let him go he will become stronger and murder us."

"Fine, just don't let him near me," Sips says climbing back up.

Well, at least we know who the Ender- Man is.


Author's NOTE

Hey guys, sorry for the delay, I had a bunch of tests and stuff so here! Probs gonna update tommorow! Bai!!

-Luv you all!! PEACE

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