(Solangelo) Fancy seeing you here

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I found a cute little prompt for this story on tumblr via the lovely blog sickfic Prompts. "Your OTP goes their separate ways for work. At lunch they bump into each other...buying fever reducer?"

This is set a while into the future btw, about ten years. Solangelo are living together in New York and Will is obviously a doctor while Nico is an English teacher (it just feels right, doesn't it?)

4 a.m.

Will Solace enjoyed everything about being a doctor...except the early mornings, 4 a.m. early mornings to be exact. Will's alarm clock started blaring and he slowly unwrapped himself from his still sleeping boyfriend to turn it off. Will stood up and immediately had to grab the edge of the dresser for the vertigo that hit him. He stayed there for another few seconds while the dizziness passed and then made his way to the alarm clock and slammed the snooze button. Will headed down the hall to the small bathroom and started the shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and wondered if he usually looked this pale. Will let the hot water run over him longer than usual, slowly realizing how sore he was. Will just shook it off as fatigue and went on his way. Will quickly got dressed in his standard scrubs and headed to the kitchen to make himself some tea, he could feel a tickle in his throat but hoped against hope that it was nothing. Will gathered all of his things and headed back to the bedroom to kiss his boyfriend goodbye. Will could swear that Nico felt a little warm when he had kissed his forehead, but brushed it off. He was finally out the door at 4:45 and quickly walked the few blocks to the hospital.

6:15 a.m.

Nico woke at precisely 6:15, he no longer needed an alarm clock. He immediately realized that today was going to be one of "those" days. He had a small headache in the middle of his forehead, his throat was sore, and he felt too warm. Nico quickly got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. As Nico stood under the hot water he started to feel his headache subside and he stepped out in a slightly better mood. Nico walked to the closet and decided on a grey button down with some plain black jeans. He gathered his laptop, graded papers, and a mug of tea with a spoonful of honey that Will swore would cure a sore throat and headed out the door. Unlike Will, the high school Nico worked at was a twenty minute drive away so he piled his things into the small car he and Will shared and headed to work.

8:00 a.m.

Will was regretting his decision to come into work today. His throat had only started to feel worse despite the gallons of hot tea that he had downed and now his head was throbbing so he was currently in the on-call room willing his immune system to fight back against the obvious illness that was in his near future. Will thought of Nico and hoped that he was having a better day. All of a sudden Will's pager went off and he looked down to see that he was needed in the emergency room.

"Great, just what I need today." Said Will to no one in particular.

Will slowly got up from the bed, remembering his dizziness from that morning. He walked into the hallway and had to shut his eyes for the bright light. At this moment, one of the other doctor's on the floor walked past.

"Will are you okay? You don't look too good." She said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Will swallowed and tried not to wince at how sore his throat was.

"Okay then" She said, not looking convinced. "We're needed in the ER, something about a pileup on the freeway."

Will groaned internally. "Okay then, let's go save some lives."

The two walked into the ER and put on the sterile gowns and waited with the rest of the ER staff for whatever was coming. Will knew that it couldn't be good with the way his day was going. He still felt a pain behind his eyes but pushed it aside as the first of what would be many ambulances pulled into the bay.

10:00 a.m.

Nico hated teenagers sometimes. Don't get him wrong, he loved his job usually, that look a kid got when they finally understood the meaning in Of Mice and Men was priceless and he wouldn't give it up for the world. Somedays though, Nico really wondered if the gods enjoyed his misery. So far today two kids had gotten into a fight (that Nico had to breakup), half of his second period class had forgotten to do their summary on Beowulf, and his headache from that morning had only gotten worse. he promised himself that he would run to the drugstore to pick up some advil on his lunch. Just then, Annabeth Chase, or should he say Annabeth Jackson walked into his classroom.

"Nico, are you okay? I heard some of the other teachers talking about some sort of bug that is going around school, and seeing the way you've been acting today I think you caught it."

"I'll be fine Annabeth. Thanks for worrying about me though."

Nico gave her a small smile and changed the subject.

"So, how's my goddaughter doing?" He gushed, getting up to admire Annabeth's pregnant belly.

"This kid definitely belongs to Percy, she never quits moving around." Annabeth smiled and gave Nico a cool glare. "Quit trying to change the subject. We're talking about you. If you need to go home, just go."

"I can't do that to the kids, we're reviewing for a test today."

"Okay then, stay, but when you can't get out of bed tomorrow I'm not going to feel bad for saying I told you so."

With that, Annabeth started back to her room in the History department.

Nico was smart enough to know that Annabeth was right, but he didn't care.

I can't go home now, I have too much to do. Just tough it out to the end of the day and you'll be fine. he told himself.

12:00 p.m.

Will had just finished stitching up the last car crash victim. The crash had been a bad one, but thankfully everyone would survive. Will was very grateful for this, he didn't think he had the heart to give bad news today. Will noticed how hot he felt and added fever to his growing list of symptoms. He finally made it back to the on-call room and layed down on one of the beds. At this exact moment, his headache decided to return with a vengeance. Will gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. He waited for the worst to pass and made a mental note to go to the drug store on his lunch break, which was thankfully right now. Will usually met Nico for lunch somewhere, but he would just have to make a quick pitstop before meeting him.

12:15 p.m.

Nico pulled up to the drug store in his tiny car and tried to will himself to climb out. Once he found his way out of the car, Nico slowly walked inside and headed straight for the ibuprofen. Since that morning his headache had almost subsided but a general ache everywhere else had taken it's place. Nico finally found what he was looking for and found a tall blonde standing right in front of the ibuprofen bottles. Nico's first thought was that the blonde had a cute butt, then he realized that he knew that butt.


Will turned around and looked around for whoever had called him. His eyes finally landed on Nico and he got that adorable confused expression that Nico loved.


"What are you doing here?" They both asked at the same time.

"You first." Said Nico.

"I felt off this morning but went to work anyway and now I'm miserable. What about you?"

"Actually, that pretty much covers it."

Will and Nico both laughed and broke into coughing fits.

"What do you say we go home and watch some bad daytime t.v.?"

"But, my students-"

"Can wait until you are back to 100%." Finished Will.

"What about your patients?"

"I'm not doing anyone any good by spreading my germs at work. They'll understand."

With that Nico and Will both called to work to say they wouldn't be able to come back in. The next few minutes were spent stocking up on tissues, cold and flu medication, ibuprofen, and ice cream. Once the pair got back to their apartment they changed into their comfiest pajamas and settled in their bed for a Disney Channel marathon.

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