Well That Was Unexpected.

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Hello my  loves! I am finally almost all the way through my TBW list, which means I'll be looking for more prompts to leave in my inbox for six months and write them all at once! Any who, I got a request from HeroesOfOlympusNerd1 for some Piper/Leo bromance and I absolutely love how this turned out, even if it is kind of stretching the request?? As always, don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to drop into my inbox with a prompt!

P.S. This is based off actual interactions I had with people while working in retail.
P.P.S. I'm trying something new with split POVs. Let me know if you think it works. Also, let's pretend that Jason and Piper are married and Piper's dad is still rich.

TW: Period Talk?? Discussion of female anatomy?? The word boobs used at least once??

Piper felt gross. It wasn't the kind of gross that would keep her home in bed when rent was due in two weeks, but the type of gross that would leave her hating her already soul sucking retail job even more than usual. She was tired, nauseous, her head ached, and to top it all off, Jason, had left yesterday to spend four days in New Rome.

"I know I had that coupon in here somewhere." Karen -- that wasn't here actual name but Piper couldn't be bothered to care today -- said as she rummaged through her purse. She placed another glossy coupon clipping onto the counter, adding to the already teetering pile.

Piper would have liked to scream something along the lines of "You're only spending seven dollars! Just pay up, cheapo!", but she settled for a tight lipped smile and tried to pretend she wasn't giving Karen an imaginary beating with her over sized purse.

"Aha!" Karen thrust a piece of paper under Piper's nose.

Piper took the coupon clipping and surveyed it, mentally preparing herself for battle. The coupon in Piper's hand was A) Not for this store and B) Expired. Piper groaned internally. She was A) not mentally equipped to have this conversation today and B) just wanted to go to lunch (AKA sleep in her car for an hour).

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I can't apply this coupon to your purchase." Piper said as gently as possible.

"Why not?" Karen looked angry.

"This coupon isn't for this store and it's expired." Piper tried to hand the coupon back to the woman.

"It's a coupon, isn't it?"

"Umm...yes?" Piper could already tell where this conversation was headed.

"Then why can't you just give me the discount?" The Karen growled.

"I'm sorry, but this coupon isn't from our store and our computer system won't accept it."

"Can I speak to your manager?" Karen narrowed her eyes at Piper.

"Sure. Just a moment." Piper said, her tone dripping with sweetness. She picked up the desk phone and dialed the extension for her manager.

"This is Melinda." Piper's manager picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Melinda, I have a customer that would like to speak with you." Piper smiled.

"Be there in a minute." Melinda said shortly. She hated Karen's just as much as Piper.

A minute later, Melinda, a short, nervous brunette, was power walking over to Piper and the Karen.

"Hello! What can I help you with today, ma'am?" Melinda asked.

"This rude girl is refusing to accept my coupon!" Karen said, looking traumatized.

Piper felt like she might cry. Why was she so emotional all of a sudden?

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