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I woke up and stretched.

Remembering last night, i sighed and fixed my bed.

After i took a shower, i threw on my Mon Coeur glasses, black 'Pierce The Veil' shirt, denim high waisted shorts, and white converse.

I put my aqua hair into a bun and did my makeup.

Spraying on my Peppermint perfume, I slid my backpack over my shoulder and ran downstairs.

I saw all the boys doing something.

Calum readying the plates for breakfast, Ashton feeding Max and Roxy, Michael toasting some bread, Luke cooking bacon...

But the one direction boys are no where to be found.

"Morning?" I said nervously.

They looked to me and said nothing.

Calum came to me and hugged me tight.

"We care about you so much Bay that it hurts." He said looking into my eyes.

"Thanks." i gushed.

"Bay you aren't going to school you know?" Liam said behind me.

"Why?" i asked pushing my real glasses up.

"You have an interview with Ellen today." He said cheekily.


He laughed and i ran upstairs switching my backpack with my Galaxy Cat one and running back down.


"It's custom made sorry Lukey." I giggled.


"Liam you don't need to hold my hand." I said as the rest of the 1d boys got out of the car.

"I want to." He said.

Dad took my other hand and i huffed.


"So Bay. I like your new hair." Ellen complimented me.

"Thanks. But when 4 other boys are staying with you.... You sorta get pranked easily." I sighed.

The crowd laughed and i paid my attention back to Ellen.

"So we have a special guest..." Ellen said.

Everyone cheered and I turned around.

I gasped.

It was Emblem 3.

I started crying which didn't ruin my makeup.

Drew came to me and hugged me with my hands still on my mouth shocked.

Wesley then wiped away a tear as everyone 'awwww'd,.

And my favorite person in Emblem 3 is Keaton.

And tilted my face to meets his and he gently kissed my lips as the audience went crazy.

Soon enough the One Direction boys came out and backed me away from Keaton.

I told them to leave and Dad pointed at Keaton as a warning and Louis pointed two fingers to his eyes then to Keaton as if to say 'I'm watching you'.

They crowed went ape crazy and i blushed.

We all sat on a love seat and i sat in between Drew and Wesley.

Wesley held my hand and Drew held my other hand.

"Hey hey hey!" Keaton said prying Drew's hand off mine.

Everyone laughed as I blushed like crazy.

"So Bay, I heard about your new debut single 'Baby I' is coming out." Ellen said.

"Yea! It was very fun to record and I hope everyone here likes it! And my album is coming out soon so yeah!" I said.

"So I heard you are looking for a rapper to do some of your songs?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah.." I trailed of.f

"Well. We have just the right person." Ellen said.

"COME ON OUT!" She yelled.

Sophia Grace and Rosie came onto the stage with pink too-too dresses and crowns.

Do you hear me screaming.


After the interview was over I got everybody's phone numbers and got into the Range Rover.

"So that went well." I stated smiling.

"I guess." Dad joked.

We missed the turn to our house and I looked to Dad.

"We missed the turn." I stated.

"I know."


We walked into the Management building and saw the receptionist and waved.

"BAY!" I heard a little girl shout.

Claire came up to me and hugged me.

"Hey. Where's Jordan?" I asked.

She shrugged and ran off.

Well that was random.

We went into Simon's office and sat in the waiting chairs.

"Could someone please explain we are here?" I said.

"Nope." Harry said cheekily biting his tongue.

"Hello." Uncle Si said coming inside.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked him.

"You tell me." He said sorting his papers.

"We want Bay on tour." Dad said behind me.

I turned around.

"Are you sure?" i asked.

"It's your career and I trust the boys to keep you safe." Dad said.

"Ok. I'll go tell Ms. Helena right now." Simon said leaving the room.

"Are you guys okay with it?" i asked.

"We want to make you happy." Louis said sadly.

I weakly smiled "I don't need to go if you don't want me to Louis." I said.

"No. Go and have fun." He sighed

Simon came back into the room with papers i needed to sign.


Once we got home I ran to my room and shut the door.

I laid on my bed to think.

Just then I had a pang of pain in my lungs.

I cried until the pain went away.

That was too weird.

I decided to brush it off and I opened the curtains and took the book 'Cracked' and started to read.

Roxy jumped onto my bed and i petted her.

I leave for tour in 3 days.

I sighed and continued reading.


I threw on my cheer uniform and took my pom-poms.

Are uniform was black and white with an 'M' on it.

I put my contacts on and tied my hair in a high ponytail then clipped a black bow on the top.

I threw on my white Vans and ran downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Calum asked as all the boys in the house checked me out.

I glared at all of them and said "The school's football game." I said.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Ashton asked.

"No. My cheer friends are picking me up." I said checking the time.

It's about 5pm and i heard honking outside.

"Bye!" I said to all of them.

Bailey said hey to me as I got into the car.

"Hey." I replied then we were on our way to the game.

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