[Chapter Eight]

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Chapter Eight

Damon opened the door for me and we headed into the library. I froze when I saw four faces staring back at me. Two were very confused and the other two were giving me reassuring smiles. With them here I felt like it would all be okay. Even if his friends reacted badly I had Alexis, my best friend and Mason, who was already a brother to me.

Damon gave me a smile and went over to his friends to do their whole bro hug thing and I went to mine to stop freaking out. I mean telling them was one thing, they were family. Alexis hasn’t left our house in weeks and Mason lived with us.

And then telling the school was another thing, they needed to know and their opinions didn’t mean as much to me.

But the first people we tell that aren’t my family is Damon’s and that didn’t turn out so well and I don’t know how I would handle it if his friends took this news badly. They could tell everyone, they could say mean things to me. And I was just scared to keep saying it. The more I said it the more real it got.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew that it was real and happening, but it just made it more in a way I can’t explain. I know that girls my age getting pregnant gives them a certain reputation and I’m not like that. I’m afraid of the judgment and I don’t want them to all think less of me. I’ve never had anyone be mean to me at this school and I know that as soon as it gets out, it doesn’t matter how nice I was or am to them, they’re going to turn on me.

“Well look at you with Miss. Perfect. How did you manage that one?” one of the boys, I would assume to be Rob asked

“I’m still asking myself that question, and she is perfect isn’t she?” he looked over and smiled. I looked down hiding the blush on my face.

“I need to talk to you guys” he said and they gave him a look, one I couldn’t read.

“What’s up man?” Evan asked and Damon looked at me and then them and looked a bit nervous. Looks like I wasn’t the only one having a little issue telling more people.

“I can trust you guys right?” He asked and they gave him a look that pretty much said ‘are you serious’ or ‘duh’

“Of course you can trust us. We’ve always had each other’s backs.”

“Alright, but what I tell you needs to be kept quiet. No telling anyone and I need to know that you guys have my back no matter what.” He said cautiously.

“Dude, what’s wrong?” Rob asked him and he hesitated, a little too long for Alexis’s patience

“Oh my freaking god guys!” she looked at both of us “What they’re trying to say is that Arianna is pregnant, Damon is the father. They don’t want anyone knowing until she starts showing because they don’t want the drama, and Damon wants to know if you guys are going to back him on it when it comes out and if you’ll support them”

Everyone’s jaw dropped. Mason, Damon and mine at her bluntness than Evan and Rob’s at the news she just spilled. Everyone was quiet for a minute before they both soaked it all in and once they did they started laughing. We all just stared at them until they decided to calm down.

“You’re kidding right?” Evan asked still smiling

“I’m being dead serious” Damon told them and the smiled disappeared from their faces and the sock on their faces was back.

“When did you get her pregnant? You guys were stuck together last week, how can you already know she’s pregnant?”

“I’ve been pregnant; I’m almost fourteen weeks now”

“Fourteen weeks! And you’re just telling us now? Obviously they’ve known a while” they sounded hurt and Damon went to open his mouth and nothing came out.

“I didn’t tell him until two weeks ago. I was waiting until I was past the day in case I decided to terminate or in case something were to go wrong with the baby.”

“You thought about an abortion?” Damon asked shocked

“Actually I didn’t ever think about it, but I didn’t know if I would change my mind before twelve weeks.”

“Oh okay.” Was his brilliant answer and I rolled my eyes.

“So you guys are serious?” Rob asked and us four nodded

“Well Arianna, looks like you got a lot of crap coming your way” Rob informed me and I rolled my eyes again, no shit.

“Really guys, like she didn’t freaking know that, idiots” Alexis spoke what was pretty much on my mind too.

“Feisty. I like my girls feisty” Rob said suggestively and Mason’s arm went around her and he pulled her against him and she leaned in

“And when you find one you like that’s available, have fun” Mason spoke and Rob looked over at him like he was seeing him for the first time, like he wasn’t even paying attention.

“Alright man, I gotcha. I’m sorry.” he held his hands up in surrender and Mason relaxed a bit

“Are you three as close as Arianna and I are?” Alexis asked curiously. I didn’t tell her that those were his friends so she’s probably as shocked and curious about the weird trio as I am.

“Probably” Damon answered since he knows how close they are and how close Alexis and I am, he would be the one to best decide that.

“Then that makes this feel like a weird little family. Arianna and I have been close like sisters. Mason is practically Arianna’s brother. Damon and Arianna are having a baby. And then you three are like brothers.”

There was quiet for a minute while everyone thought about what she said and then people started laughing and nodding.

“Well then little sister. Welcome to the family” Rob smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, just a couple weeks ago he was hitting on me like usual and now he’s calling me his little sister.

“Yeah, and don’t worry. We won’t stand for anyone messing with out little sister” Evan smiled at me and I smiled back. He was always the quiet one and it was weird seeing him talk this much, even if it’s only a little bit in actuality.

“Well family, it’s time to head to class. You guys want to meet here for lunch?” I looked at the boys “I’d really like to get to know you guys since you’re friendship means so much to Damon”

“Sure, we’ll see you later” they said and we all headed our separate ways for class. This has already been a long enough day and I was ready to go home. We got here way early to talk all this stuff out with the principle and now the boys, but I was so glad they took it well and aren’t going to be jerks about it.

Damon needed his friends and family as much as I needed mine and I was so grateful they didn’t treat him nor I like his parents did.

Damon grabbed my hand and we walked off to class ignoring all the stares that were coming our way. Damon was right when he said that they didn’t matter. We wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore in six months and then we could move away from here and really start our life.

So this was a short chapter about how the friends took it, and as the chapters go on you'll see them bonding more with each other and everyone getting closer like a little family and maybe a bit of chaos :)

Picture on the side of Alex Evans who is playing Evan in this story :)

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