-[Chapter Nine]-

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Chapter Nine

When the lunch bell rang Damon went to go to get us food so I didn’t have to deal with all of the smells while I headed to the library to find a place for all of us to eat. There were a bunch of empty tables but I didn’t want to eat in a place that would be hard to clean if something spilled.

I didn’t know what I was going to do after the library was opened. I’ve eaten in here every day since the school year started and I don’t know how I was going to deal with all the smells of the lunch room.

I sat down and shortly after Damon, Alexis, Mason, Evan and Rob came in and I smiled at them and they came to sit down. I was still nervous being around them, but I hoped with time that would go away and we would all get along fine. And it all started now.

One by one they took a seat. Damon next to me and Alexis on the other side. Mason next to her, and the other boys next to Damon. Alexis and I were outnumbered.

I took a closer look at Evan and Rob.

Rob Shook was the captain and quarterback of the football team, he had short black hair which made his bright blue eyes stand out, he was muscles and tanned and I can admit he was definitely attractive.

Then there was Evan, He had long black hair and blue eyes too, but his snake bites are what drew you into him. His body was the slimmest of the boys, but there was a subtle masculinity about him that made you just know that he wasn’t as weak as he looked.

You have the star athlete, the anti-social ‘emo’ kid, and the intelligent almost top of his class student that everyone wanted. All best friend. I just couldn’t get over how odd of a combination it was.

We all sat eating in an awkward silence, well for a little bit.

“So dear family, shall we get to know each other?” Alexis asked and I rolled my eyes, here we go.

“Sure” Evan shrugged and stuffed a fry in his mouth                                                     

“Okay, how long have you three know each other?” she asked

“Since we were born pretty much; our moms are all friends”

“Nice to know. Arianna and I have known each other forever. And Mason” she looked over at him silently asking if he wanted to share.

“My parents died a few months ago leaving my sister Lucy and I with no one. We got split up and Lucy went to Hope and I did not. Arianna met Lucy and arranged for me to live over there so we wouldn’t be separated. And then she moved us into her house and her parents are our foster parents”

Rob and Evan looked over at me “You really did all that so they could stay together?”

“Of course, they’re been through enough without getting to stay together.”

“So the rumors are true, you really are a saint” Evan said and I looked at him for a minute.

“I do what I can because my parents and I have the money too and they agree that we should help the less fortunate. We are very grateful for what we have.”

“I think that’s great. What else do you do?”

“Before I got pregnant, I volunteered at Hope, the hospital, the animal shelter, did the library and I’m in charge of the charities we donate too. I organize fund raising, events, and pick the charities.”

“You did all of that with school?”

“Yes, but when I got pregnant they made me stop going to the hospital so I wouldn’t get sick and I haven’t done much volunteering at all, just mostly been focusing on the Library”

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