Chapter 20 ~ War

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Chapter 20 ~ War

~October 8, 2013~

~Liam's POV~

Hell is worse than I expected it to be. 

I knew there were souls being tortured by demons, monsters in all forms and formats and a lot of fire, but the things I got to see in guardian school were just half as bad as this is in real life. The lessons in our school are wrong.

I've been flying through Hell for a few hours now, trying not to be seen by demons and so far it had worked. 

For the demons at least. A few monsters had seen me and attacked. Luckily I was able to kill them before someone would see me. 

I wonder what will happen if they catch an angel in Hell. I will probably be treated as one of the souls here. Maybe even worse. I'd be a great trophy. 

After hours of flying and a few burning wounds, I had finally arrived at the castle build out of black onyx. I must admit that it's beautiful.

A few minutes ago I had sneaked into the castle without being noticed by one of those skeleton guards. I found an old rusty window underneath one of the bushes next to the castle. A few good kicks and I was in.

Now all I have to do is find Niall, save him and get out of Hell unnoticed. 

I look around the room and see some sort of library. Thousands and thousands of old looking books are placed onto bookshelves in the room. It even smells like books. 

I start walking slowly, in case someone is here, but I'm lucky as the room turns out to be deserted. I never saw the creatures from Hell as the ones that like to read. 

I open the door and step into the corridor. Left or right? This is like a labyrinth. I'll never find my way here, but I have to try at least. 

I decide to go left and look into every room I pass, but I don't have luck. Eventually, the corridor comes to an end and there is only one door left for me to open. 

I push open the door and the first thing I see is two pairs of eyes looking at me. And it's not Niall. These are two demons.

My eyes widen and for a moment I'm frozen. I'm busted.

I feel my feet start to run into the opposite direction of the door, but before I can, someone grabs my wrist. I'm pulled back roughly and before I know it, I'm into a room with two demons.

"What are you doing here?" One of them asks me.

"You don't belong here, you're an angel." The other one says. 

I stand up straight to get ready to attack. All that matters now is that I save Niall and go back to Mary. I don't care if I have to kill.

"I'm saving my friend." I answer bravely and determined.

The two demons look at each other and then back to me. "Niall?" They asks in sync and my mouth falls open. 

"What? How did you?" I stutter out.

"We know him." One of the demons says. "He's our friend."

"Friend?" I ask in disbelieve.

"Yeah, we like him. Such a shame he's in prison now. I hope Zayn will win that war. Otherwise, Lucifer is going to be so pissed off."

The other demon nods and continues. "Mm-huh, I hope Niall survives. Anyway, I'm Andras and that's my cousin Mullin." 


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