Please don't hit me

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One year.

It took a full year for the Avengers to come together at last.

Right after the battle, Tony lived alone in the penthouse of Stark tower.
Steve moved in just a few weeks later.

The two moved past their initial dislike for each other pretty quickly. Mostly because Tony really wanted Steve to like him, and Steve realised Tony wasn't what the media portrayed him as.

By the time a year passed, and Ultron had long been defeated, it was a well hidden secret that Captain America and Iron Man were dating.

Even the Avengers who were just moving in had just found out.

Natasha and Clint were the first to arrive at the tower. Steve was off to a short mission, and Tony came to welcome them.

"Hey guys, Nat, Legolas." The engineer wore his usual smirk and sunglasses, the ones he usually only used for press conferences. He spread his arms and welcomed them in their new home.

The corner of Natasha's mouth twitched, which was basically her way of smiling, and Clint just rolled his eyes amused.

"Tones, thanks."

And that was that. Tony showed them around their perfectly designed suits, the range, the dance studio, and finally, the common area. It was nice. Light. Open.

And with that, the two assassins were moved in.

Bruce followed in quite a similar matter only he immediately got dragged to a nice fancy shiny lab and proceeded to not leave the space for the next three days.

Thor was still in Asgard though a room was waiting for him when he returned.

Vision had spent a while traveling the world to gain experience as he explained it himself, and returned a few days after the others.

Wanda didn't join them until a month later, when she shyly showed up and was lead to her apartment without any issue.

And then Steve returned.


Natasha was a very private person. She was also known for her skills in espionage and deduction. Truly, it was a miracle she didn't notice it sooner.

From that first day as Pepper's assistant, it had been difficult to read Tony Stark. He was very skilled in hiding his emotions. It was... slightly disturbing.

Alas, Natasha became better at it and could soon identify the difference between real emotions and his masks.

After she just moved in, she immediately noted that Tony seemed to be wearing his masks full-time around them. She brushed it away as unimportant. After all, Stark was a distrusting figure. He probably needed time to truly trust his teammates outside of battle.

He also kept his eyes hidden quite often. And wore the makeup he usually only used for important press conferences.

He seemed less loud and more shy. Perhaps the relationship with Steve truly had changed him. After all, he didn't drink anymore, didn't sleep around, didn't party hard. He actually didn't go out at all unless it was necessary.

Tony Stark had truly changed in that one year.

Though, Clint didn't like it.
He and Natasha shared everything. Including their observations about their host.

"He's... he's really different Nat. Like, he's jittery. And flinches too often. I'm a bit worried." The archer told her one evening as they played cards on the floor, surrounded by empty candy wrappers.

Angsty Tony One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now