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"Tony, for the last time, Steve doesn't hate you." Bruce said tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose while trying very hard not to smack his best friend.

Said engineer was laying half upside down on the couch next to Bruce who just wanted to have a calm afternoon for Christ's sake.

"But Brucy..." Stark whined. "He has been avoiding me ever since-"

"Ever since he found out you're actually Iron Man, yes I know, you've only mentioned that about a hundred times in the past week." Doctor Banner interrupted the other brunette and calmly took a sip of his tea, already knowing what Tony was going to say.

"I shouldn't have told him." Tony mutters as expected.

Bruce just puts his tea down and raises an eyebrow at the pouting genius, and he was pouting no matter what he claimed. "Tony, did it ever occur to you that the man needs some time to process that one of his friends and one of his colleagues are the same person?"

"Some time, sure, but he's been avoiding me all week! And even worse, he still won't tell me his-"

"Tumblr name?" Bruce fills in, coughing softly to cover up the laugh threatening to spill out at the indignant look Tony gives him. "I don't know why you're so upset about that, it's just a Tumblr page."

Tony sits up and crosses his arms to automatically cover up the arc reactor. "People like Steve don't have Tumblr pages Bruce. He's Captain America. We're besties, he even shows me his art, so why hide his page? He's acting suspicious and I don't like it."

Bruce is quickly growing bored with the repetition of the same discussion they've been having for a week now. "Look Tony, talk to the guy. I don't care how, just talk to him. You're only upset that he has a secret he won't share. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm meeting Natasha for lunch."

The scientist gets up just as the elevator dings to announce Natasha stepping out. Bruce, knowing the spy, smirks at the very convenient timing. "Ready to go?" The redhead asks while trying just a little too hard to appear innocent.

Bruce smiles and nods. "All ready." He answers before briefly glaring at Tony. "Talk to Steve or I will." His eyes soften for a moment and he looks intensely at his smaller friend. "He doesn't hate you Tony. And he isn't going to kick you off the team."

Natasha smiles sweetly at Tony. "You should tell him you want him to screw your brains out while you're at it." The assassin says casually before dragging Bruce into the elevator leaving a spluttering engineer behind.

"I don't- That's not- Goddammit."



The blond supersoldier almost drops the plate he was holding and turns around fast enough to give a regular guy a whiplash. "Tony! Oh, ehm, I was just-"

"We need to talk." Tony spits out while glaring at the perfect, blue eyed man before him.

Steve fumbles with the plate that's now cracking a little under the strong hands tightening their hold on it. "Oh, yes, what-" He clears his throat. "What do you want to talk about?"

Tony just raises an eyebrow while looking at Steve who's trying very hard to avoid making eyecontact which is so unlike him. "How about we begin with how you're avoiding me."

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are." Tony immediately interrupts. "You have been since finding out I'm Iron Man. So I just- I want to know why. Did I do anything wrong? I mean..." As Steve keeps silent, Tony scratches the back of his neck, looking away this time. "I know I'm not really hero material, but I can't give the suit to anyone else, it would be too dange-"

Angsty Tony One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now