You're not your dad

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There is a little bit of Russian in this one, thanks to Google translate, the translations can be found at the end of each "part" that uses it. So you don't have to scroll all the way down for a translation ;) enjoy!


Most people thought it was the kidnapping that changed Tony. That made him swear off weapons and focus on clean energy. That changed him from the ever drunk playboy to something resembling a responsible adult.

Most people were wrong.

Of course, it had been a factor, but it wasn't the main trigger. It wasn't what made Tony toss the entire content of his bar through the drain.

Oh no, that had been something much more life-changing.


His son.

Four years ago already, Mary Fitzpatrick-Parker had left behind a three-month-old little boy, father unknown.

Until of course, the CIA ran a DNA test and found out Tony was the father.

What happened next had been a chaos of lawyers and cover-ups.

Tony had wanted to keep his son, adopt him, without the media knowing. It took years for everything to be settled completely, but Peter was his.

And so Tony Stark did what no one thought he could do; he changed.


Tony became Iron Man and had Peter stay with his Greataunty Peggy in England for a while during the massive alien invasion.

They skyped every day, but it wasn't the same. Tony missed his little boy.

When he flew into that portal all he could think of was his son losing another parent. He tried to call Pepper, ask her to please take care of Peter. She didn't answer her phone. Tony took a deep breath and prepared to die.

It was quite a relief when he woke up.

"Please tell me nobody kissed me." He said, even though he kind of wished Steve had done so.


Fast forward a few years, Peter was already six years old (Six and a quarter!!), and the Avengers were all living in Tony's tower.

It was... nice. Weird, but nice.

Neither Tony nor Peter was used to living with a bunch of people, but they quickly got used to it. Or at least Peter did. The kid loved spending time with the most dangerous people on this damn planet because why not?

The six-year-old played with Natasha's hair, rode around on Clint's back, had Thor throw him in the air, dragged Steve to the table to draw together, and poked Bruce just as much as his dad did.

Of course, he still spent most time with his father in the workshop.

Peter loved playing with the robots, loved helping his dad out and learning about mechanical stuff. The only thing he loved more was bugs. Peter really loved bugs.

Life was pretty good for the little kid.


It was a regular day for Tony when things changed.

He had just put Peter to bed, they had worked on a robot dog together and almost got it to work. The boy had bargained for two stories in exchange for taking a bath, and Tony had grinned and complied. So the engineer exited his son's room with a sappy grin, a warm feeling in his chest that he always had when spending time with Peter.

Angsty Tony One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now