Just a prank

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Tony took another sip from his bottle and rested his head against the wall he was leaning against.

Just earlier this day the Avengers had moved back in the tower. And Stark just didn't get it. After everything, after all he did... they still came back.

He had literally created a killer robot. There was more blood on his hands than of any of the team members combined.

The team. Not his team. He never quite fitted in with them. Used to wealth and comfort instead of pain and suffering.

Yeah he had worked hard throughout his life, but no one else saw it like that. And rightfully so. Pulling a forty hour working spree to finish a new design was hardly comparable with people working three jobs to support their children.
Howard talking down on him and smacking him around a little when he fucked up again, didn't compare to being beaten to a bloody pulp on a daily bases.
Being kidnapped once, having a little water thrown over him, didn't compare to the many many times those spies had been interrogated.

Over all, Tony had no reason to complain.

The Avengers had been through so much more.

Tony emptied the bottle with a few sips and sighed content at the light buzz the alcohol gave him.
He didn't get why they pretended to forgive him so easily. Forgiveness was earned, and Tony certainly hadn't earned shit.


Yet another battle. A mere week later.

Iron Man flew around shooting the swarm of big fat birds, ignoring Clint's comments about Angry Birds.

It had been a really weird week.

Every evening at exactly six, Steve would show up at his workshop and smile that charming smile of his, asking sweetly for Tony to join the team for dinner. Of course Tony couldn't say no to that!
On top of that, there has been this weird prank war between Clint and Thor. And even weirder, they kept trying to involve Tony.
Then there was Bruce who kept asking him questions about projects, and Natasha who was teaching him sparring. It was... really weird.

Like, really really weird.

"-on your left!!"

Tony snapped out of his thoughts too late. Clint was falling off a building that the swarm of birds had attacked and Iron Man was too late!

He sped forward as fast as he could, cringing when Barton hit a balcony on his way down. Judging from the pained grunt audible over the comms, Clint was injured.
Tony reached him just in time to catch him before he hit the pavement and immediately flew towards the tower. Hawkeye needed medical attention asap.


Clint had a broken leg and two fractured ribs. He would be out of commission for at least two months while his leg healed.

And it was all Tony's fault.

So far, no one had pointed it out yet. Cap didn't even mention it during the debriefing, only claiming Tony had snatched Clint up before he hit the ground.

It didn't make any sense, but they were probably just waiting for Clint to get his word in first.

With a sigh, Tony focused back on his work. He had been getting distracted a lot lately, messing up in battles more and more. And now someone even got hurt. He really had to get his head back in the game.

First thing on the list; new arrows for Hawkeye. New gear. New comms. Anything that could help to make sure this never happened again.

And if Tony pulled yet another all nighter? Well, that was nothing new.

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