Chapter 1

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This is a VERY jumbled up fanfic, this includes the main character, whom is Ellie, will end up dating a boy named Ryan, but dat WAS a secret. there will be some PG scenes, but seriously I can't write about sex, it's like. Just bleh. emphasis on the EH.


*Ellie's POV*


Eh I mean, howdy!

Umm hi?

Ok sorry, my names Ellie.

And yeah.

Stretching, I got out of bed and trudged to the shower.

I stripped off my clothes and feebly stroked the scars my adopted father gave me when he whipped my stomach.

I turned on the shower and washed my hair with some cheap shampoo, it smelled a bit like roses, but that was because I added the sent by cutting some roses. they turned out to be my neighbors.

My neighbor is a sweet old lady called Marzia. she is Italian and is so sweet. she didn't mind that I borrowed some, she understood. she doesn't judge, and that's why I like her.

Although she didn't mind, my father did, he beat me and cut me until I fainted.

~~~~~ Flash back ~~~~

"Please no, Please!" I scrambled away from him.

"But princess, you deserve it after what you've done!". He smirked at me evilly


He grabbed my arm forcefully, which resulted in it going blue.

I whimpered I'm pain.

"This'll teach you, you ugly slut!

He whipped my tummy for each word, I cried out in pain.


he brought out a knife out of no-where and slashed it down my arm, and it started pouring with blood


the pain was unbearable, and I slipped into a pool of black.

~~~~ flash back overrr ~~~~~~

I went light headed at the thought.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself.
I picked up some underwear that ive been wearing for a week. I slipped on a tee that said, ' I'm daddy's slut'. Uh I hate it, but I get beaten if I don't wear it.
I slipped on some skinny ripped shorts, they were jeans but I cut them.
I looked into the rusty mirror. my curly hair hung tousled over my shoulders, and my green eyes were bleak.

Today I'm gonna go to a private investigator. I want to find my family. I mean my REAL family. I saved up over the years for this, and today is the dday I spend it.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my purse, Marzia gave it to me for my 19th birthday. I know what your thinking, I'm 19 and I still live with my parents. the truth is, my dad wwon't let me leave. if I'm gone for 3 hours he tracks me down and beats me.

I grabbed an apple from my cupboard and went downstairs, my FAKE parents were making out on the couch.

I crawled to the front door, humming the mission impossible theme in my head. I slowly, and quietly opened the door and the cold air hit my face, I quietly retreated back into the house and grabbed my scarf, and put on some old converse that I found on the street. No I am NOT a begger I just want to fin in!


I stepped out again feeling less cold and headed down the street, I waved at Marzia, whom was watering her carnations.

I stepped in puddles and stumbled over cracks.

"Hey eEllie!" I spun around and saw my boyfriend, Ryan.

"Hey!". I pecked his lips lightly.

He help my hand lightly. he knows about me life, and the problems.

He checked his phone and grinned, his eyes full of pure lust

"Hey I gotta go, see ya!"
He left texting and not looking at me.

What was that all about?!

I huffed then continued walking.


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