Mirajane Strauss x Musician! Tomboy! Female Reader

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Requested by: vocaloid_Miko_101

Written by: KatDomo

~No One's POV~

"...We can make it through most anything,

If you just believe."

You sang, playing your guitar. "Thank you Magnolia," you spoke smiling. Your hoodie and shorts had been faded off some color because of how much you performed. You ran a hand through your hair, sighing as you walked off the stage. You held secrets from Fairy Tail, and that's why you had been known as the 'Mystery.'

No one knew your past.

No one knew your stage identity,

No knew about you.

Besides Mirajane Strauss, the girl who you fell in love with. White hair, her personality. Who wouldn't fall in love with her? Your biggest rival was Laxus. The man who recently returned to the guild. A man whom you despised with all your heart. And a man who was trying to steal Mira's heart.

Slinging your guitar case your back, you walked into the guild hall. Not all the time there was a fight, but food was flying everywhere thanks to Natsu and Happy. You sat on the bar stool, keeping a straight face."Why the long face, (Y/N)?"

It was her. The woman you loved. "This is how I always am," You said looking up at her and glaring. "That's not how you always are, (Y/N)," she said whispering in your ear, closer to you than you liked. Your eyes widened and your face turned bright red. Leaning back you fell out of your stool and on your butt.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Mira peered down from the bar and giggled. "I-I'm just fine," You stuttered, as your face turned into fire.

Getting up, you began to pick up your bar stool and you were still blushing like crazy. "You look so cute like that," Mira said as you refused, stuttering like crazy.

Mira giggled and grasped your hand pulling you onto the stage Fairy Tail had.

The lights went off and Mira introduced you and her.

Laxus smirked at the sight of you two. You gave him a death glare, not knowing what he was trying to do. You looked away, being easily embarrassed.

You had a hard time accepting people because of your past. People left you, not caring. A single, warm tear slipped down your face thinking of the memories.

"Hey don't cry, (Y/N), you know it's not your fault. You have us. We are your family," Mira smiled and grabbed your wrist, pulling you onto Fairy Tail's stage. "Just like we practiced," Mirajane whispered, as you began to strum your guitar.

"With you gone,

As the shadow drops, I'm alone again today,"

Mira sang, smiling as people cheered and you could tell that they were confused about what you were doing with Mirajane. The song that you two practiced. It was very own song, "A Song for the Road,"

"Looking up at the sky, I pray,

Knowing that you are under the same sky,"

Your voice was beautiful, yet full of fear as you two sang together in unison scared of messing up,

"At times when you're shaking with tears

And times when you seem to be engulfed by the darkness

Don't forget...

You always have...

You always have a place to return to

And people that are waiting for you,"

You finished and people cheered. You blushed and rushed backstage, Mira following close behind. Mira jumped into your arms, tackling you to the ground, "Good job, (Y/N)."

"Th-" You were cut off immediately with warm lips meeting yours. You tensed, but your hands around her waist and kissed back. You slowly heard clapping and whipped your head around to see Laxus, smirking at the two of you. "What do you want Laxus?" You said picking up Mirajane and standing in front of her protectively. "It was just a plan, (L/N). And besides, I have the green haired idiot." He said smirking, and turning away, "Congrats you two."

"Why I outta," You said a tick mark appearing on your forehead. "Don't blame him, (Y/N), it was best for the both of us. Now let's go outside." Mira pecked your cheek and dragged you out from backstage and into the main hall.

"Good job, (Y/N)," was all you heard. Praise and love. Your lips quivered as you heard your mother's voice. Smile. Mirajane gave you one last kiss. And that was all it took. For the first time, in years, you weren't alone.

You had a family.

Smile, her voice said again and with that it did.

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