Lucy Heartfilia x Female Reader

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~Warning: Depression and self-harm are in this story~

~Your POV~

I was walking to my girlfriend, Juvia's, room to celebrate our one-year anniversary. I was holding a bouquet of roses since they were her favorite. When I reached her room, I knocked on the door. The door just opened a little by itself. She probably forgot to lock her door. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Babe, are you here?" I asked. As I turned around, I dropped the bouquet of roses. 

I watched as Juvia was pinned onto the wall by Gray as they made out. I felt my eyes tear up as my heart shattered into thousands of pieces. Juvia looked at me and pushed Gray away. "(Y/N), it's not what it looks like!" She said frantically. "Really? Because what I see is my girlfriend cheating on me with my best friend!" I shouted, tears dripping down my cheeks. She came closer and tried to wipe away my tears but I just slapped her hand away. "Stay away from me! We're over!" I cried. I ran out the door, ignoring my name being called.

I didn't stop running until I reached my room, which was far from hers. I ran to my room, ignoring all the worried looks from the girls. I locked my door and banged my head against the wall. "Why would she do this to me..." I whispered sadly. My heart began to ache. I went into my drawer to pull out a dagger that my father gave me to protect myself when I was little. 

When I first join Fairy Tail, I wasn't the happiest of people. My family was killed by monsters and I was the only lucky survivor. Well, I wouldn't say lucky. I was teased and bullied since they thought my family was so weak that they got themselves killed. And that I was that weak too. Couldn't say that I disagreed with them. I started cutting at a young age due my depression. I didn't stop cutting when I went to Fairy Tail. I always hid my scars from everyone else, knowing that they wouldn't understand me. 

Natsu, Gray, Erza and Lucy were the first to find out about this. We went on a job to fight monsters and one of the monsters shredded the sleeves of my clothing, revealing my cuts. They asked me why I would do this to myself, they told me to stop. I told them that they would never understand what I went through. This soon spread around the guild, everyone was worried about me. I thought they only worried because I was a member that could help them fight and gain a good reputation. I never thought that I would stop cutting until one person proved me wrong. That was Lucy. She was always there for me, she would talk to me every day about how they were always there for me and that they were my family now. She helped me through my depression, she was my guild mate, she was my friend, she was my everything. Yes, she was my everything. Juvia was supposed to be a distraction but I developed feelings for her.

But now it's gone. She broke me. Now I'm broken, like how I was before. I looked at the dagger for a moment before placing it close to my arm. "Long time no see." I murmured to myself. I dragged the dagger against my skin, causing it to cut and bleed. I hissed in pain, but it didn't hurt as much as my heart. I continued to cut both my arms until they had about six cuts on my arm. I was tired from all the blood loss and crying. I stumbled into bed, not caring how I looked or felt. 


I woke up in a pair of arms. I grunted and tried to wriggle out of the grip. The grip only became tighter. "Let go." I mumbled. I looked up to see Lucy asleep as her arms were wrapped tightly around me. I looked down at my arms to see them neatly bandaged. "(Y/N), you promised." I looked up to see Lucy awake and looking down at me. "I know. I'm really sorry Lucy. It's just that...." I wasn't able to finish my sentence before I felt tears stinging my eyes. I felt Lucy pull me closer to her chest and gently petting my hair. "Shhh. Don't cry, it's ok." She whispered. "Juvia cheated on me." I choked out. I heard her sigh sadly. "Is it that's why you're crying?" She asked. I nodded slightly. "I'm sorry for what happened." She said. I shook my head, "It's not your fault. You didn't do anything." 

"(Y/N), I have to tell you something." Lucy said. She sat up and looked me in the eyes. "What is it?" I asked, sitting up as well. "Juvia likes Gray as well. She didn't want me to tell you because you were her girlfriend." She told me. I froze there. She didn't really love me. "Am I just a person who can easily be replaced?" I asked Lucy. My heart hurts even more now, knowing that she never loved me the way I did with her. Lucy gave me a sad smile and pulled me into an embrace, "Of course not. You are you. I wouldn't have it any other way. You're special (Y/N). There's only one you."

I sniffled and cuddled closer to Lucy. "(Y/N), please don't think you're worthless just because others. Because there is always people that do care about you." She comforted. "Who does care about me?" I asked confused. She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Sometimes it's the people you least expect." I felt heat rush through my cheeks.

"Lucy, why did you kiss me on the cheek?" I stuttered. She let out a small giggle and rested her head on my shoulder, "It's because I love you silly." I felt my heart stop. "You.... love me?" I said unsurely. She looks up at me and smiles, "Yep, ever since I saw you." I began to smile but it didn't last long. My smile soon disappeared and was replaced by a frown. "Why are you frowning?" She asked. "You're not going to do what Juvia did to me right?" I asked. She looked at me with shocked eyes and shook her head, "Of course not! I would never hurt someone I love!" I smiled in relief and kissed her. "Good. Because I love you too." I replied. "Let's get some rest." She said. We laid down next to each other and cuddled. I felt something that I never felt in a long time, it was true joy. She was able to patch up my broken heart. I smiled and fell asleep with my heart at ease. 

~Six years later~

I woke up when I felt a heavy weight on my stomach. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Lucy and Alexa sitting on my stomach. Who's Alexa you ask? She's me and Lucy's daughter. We adopted her from an orphanage. She had blond hair like Lucy and (e/c) eyes like mine. Yes, me and Lucy did get married. We got married a year ago when I proposed to her on our fifth year anniversary. "Mama! Wake up! Mommy is gonna make us pancakes!" Alexa squealed. I giggled a little and ruffled Alexa's hair. "Alright baby. Let Mama get ready. Go play with your toys." I smiled. She smiles brightly and got off me. She ran to her room to play with her toys. 

Lucy then laid on top of me, our faces only centimeters away. "Are you gonna let me get ready?" I chuckled. She shook her head and kissed me on the lips. "Eww! Mama's kissing Mommy!" Alexa said. I pulled away, giggling. Alexa was standing at the door with one of her arms covering her eyes while the other was holding a teddy bear. Lucy got off of me and I stood up and walked up to Alexa. I crouched down to her height and pulled her arm away and kissed her on the cheek. "Mama!" She complained. I rolled my eyes playfully and stood up. 

"Come on you two babies." Lucy giggled as she walked out the door to the kitchen. "Hey, we're not a baby!" Me and Alexa complained. I ran up behind Lucy and wrapped my arms around her waist then lifted her up. She yelped and began to flail her arms. "(Y/N), put me down." She laughed. "Never! This is what you get for calling me a baby." I grinned. I began to shake her around in the air causing her to laugh. Alexa watches us, jumping up and down. "Mama! Mama! Me next! I wanna be carried!" She yells. I finally put Lucy down and put Alexa on my back for a  piggyback ride. "Geez, you're such a child." Lucy said, regaining back her breath.  I gave her a goofy grin. She rolls her eyes before pecking me on the cheek. 

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." Lucy said. 

"I love you three!" Alexa said.

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