Aquarius x Mature! Female Reader x Juvia Lockser

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Requested by: XxFoxyMokaxX

Written by: KatDomo (Please go check out her profile and follow her! :3)

"You're annoying," you muttered as Juvia stood behind you. "But Juvia loves (Y/N)," Juvia said grasping onto your arm. "You said that yesterday." Pulling her through the streets of Magnolia, you forced your way through the crowd. Today was the yearly Blossom-Viewing festival and you planned on spending the day with your friends, but Juvia would not leave you alone.

"Lucy!" You heard a familiar voice yell. "You just had to call Scorpio in the middle of our date just so he could fix your hair!" Aquarius yelled at Lucy. Walking up to the scene, with Juvia still clutching onto your arm, you walked up behind Aquarius you squeezed her shoulder. "Calm down Aquarius," You said gently. She turned to you and blushed, "Fine."

Juvia stared, intensely at Aquarius as a dark aura surrounded her. "Lucy! Next time you decide to interrupt a date of mine, you'll be sorry."

Lucy gave her a sheepish face, "Y-yes ma'am!"

"Why don't you stay for the Blossom-Viewing Festival," You said.

"I might come back later if I have time." She glowed for a second and in a flash she was gone.

"More competition," Juvia whispered, her voice dark. "Juvia, can you let go of my arm?" You said, getting a bit scared from Juvia's personality. "No. Juvia must watch out for any more competition." Juvia said, her voice still quiet. Sighing, you began to follow Lucy towards the guild with your hopes dying slowly of Juvia leaving you alone.

When you arrived at the guild, it was full of its usual laughter and upbeat atmosphere. Taking a seat at a table with the rest of Team Natsu, you conversed until the bingo competition. You sat in the back of the large group that gathered to play bingo. Not wanting to play, you began to eat and felt a presence beside you. Looking over you saw Aquarius. "Oh, hello Aquarius," you said to her over the large cheers of the crowd. "Hello, (Y/N)," She said still floating. Standing up you offered her part of your lunch, but she refused. "Oh, (Y/N)," You heard your name be sung by another water user.

Juvia clung to your arm. "Are you two dating?" Aquarius asked. "No-" You were cut off by Juvia,"I only wish!" Juvia began to go on and on about you two. You knew that you were never going to be left alone.

As the sun began to go down, the people of the guild began to gather around the cherry blossoms. Aquarius was still there, even though she had left earlier to rest. It would be your second year here and this was how your mother and father had fallen in love. He confessed to her on this night and you had never really given it a second thought until this night that came around only once a year.

Juvia had left you alone, but was still beside you, the same as Aquarius. "(Y/N)," Looking over to your right Aquarius had a slight blush on her face, "Can I talk to you alone?"

"But I need to talk to you as well!" Juvia said, making you turn around. "Uh, I will go with..."


"Aquarius, I'll go with you since you asked first. I'll come back and talk to you in a minute, Juvia. Come on Aquarius," Standing up, she did the same and followed you to a semi-secluded area.

"I have to tell you something," She said. You hummed in acknowledgment as you looked at the cherry blossoms that started to faintly glow. "Look at me," Aquarius gripped your chin, "I love you, but you seem to be too oblivious to see that-"

You began to laugh as she began to become angered and sad. "Please, I have always loved you. That's why I also want to get away from Juvia because I never liked her back. She is a good friend, but I don't like her that way."

Wiping the tears from your eyes, you felt her looking down at you. You both began to lean and until your lips met.

'I'll miss her,' a girl looked at a couple that was kissing under the cherry blossoms, 'but I also have Gray.'


"I'll be back, Aquarius. If you want to talk in private I have to talk to Juvia. Come on Juvia," you stood up with Juvia following after you.

"Juvia likes (Y/N)," the poor girl showing the signs of an anxiety attack. She was sweating and had a large blush on her face. "Yeah I know that Juvia," you said plainly.

"Not as in a friend way. I mean as in a romantic way. I love you." When you heard those words you began to blush, "Oh." Grabbing you by your shirt she pulled you into a soft, sweet kiss. Pulling back you held her close to you, I love you too, Juvia."


"Yeah. Forever."

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