Female! Gray Fullbuster x Female Reader

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Merry Christmas to all of you wonderful people!! A lot of you guys have been reading my stories for a long time now and this Christmas, I wanted to give you guys something! I know this is a really late Christmas gift but I tried my best! For the people that follow me or are aware of this, I have a bunch of other books that I write. So as my gift, I'm updating all of the one-shot books at once and my Titan Wolf book! I hope you guys check my others stories out for the updates and Merry Late Christmas!

(A/N: Everyone is genderbent in this one-shot. I only changed Lucy's name since idk what the other characters' names should be when they're genderbent)

~Your POV~

I nuzzled up near the fire with some hot chocolate in my hands. I was hoping to get some quiet time before Natsu and the others barge in and start breaking everything. I sighed in relaxation and felt the warmth of the fire warm me.

"(Y/N), are the others here yet?" MY brother asked. I turned back to face my brother, Lucio. "No luckily. And put on some fucking clothes, would you?! What are you?! Gray now?!" I said. "Oh please. You wouldn't mind if Gray didn't wear clothes." Lucio scoffed, "Besides, I just came out of the shower!" I blushed at the thought of Gray without any clothes on but quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh, yea! Well, I bet you wouldn't mind if Natsu was naked either!" I snapped back. He blushes and throws a pillow at me from the couch. "Shut your mouth!" He shouted. I stuck my tongue out at him as he did the same.

He finally leaves to go to his room while I finish your hot chocolate. I was hoping that Gray would come along with Natsu and Erza. I've had a crush on the ice mage for a while now but it's hard to get near her when a specific water mage keeps threatening me.

I heard the doorbell go off and went to answer it. When I opened it, you were greeted with a big hug from Natsu. "(Y/N)!" She yelled and embraced me. Happy flew in and went near the fire to warm up. "Na-Natsu please let go. Yo-Your boobs are pressed on me... And also I can't breathe." I said, trying to gasp for air. "Oops sorry," She said and let go.

You gasp for air and pat Natsu on the head. "He-Hey Natsu," I heard Lucio stutter behind me. "Lucio!" Natsu yelled happily and ran over to him. 

"Hello (Y/N)," Erza said and pulled me into a hug. I groaned in pain as I impacted against his armor. "Ow..." I groaned. "Sorry about that," the red-headed chuckled and pulled away. He walks in, leaving me and Gray alone by the door.

"He-Hey Gray," I said nervously. "Hi (Y/N)," She said with a smile. I blushed more and grinned at her. Thank god she's wearing her clothes right now or I would have been a blushing mess.

"Sorry, we were a bit late. The water freak kept chasing me with a mistletoe." Gray said and closed the front door. I clutched my fist slightly from jealousy at the thought of him and Gray kissing under a mistletoe. "Hey, you alright?" Gray said, gently punching my arm. "Hu-Huh? Yea. I'm fine." I said and looked away.

"Guys let's have a snowball fight!" Natsu said with a grin, cracking her knuckles. "Sure," I said. "You're on Pinky," Gray said with a confident smirk. "Look pretty cocky. You think you can win?" Natsu said, standing up to her. "Oh I know I can win because I have (Y/N) on my team." "E-Eh?" I asked pointing to myself. "Oh yeah, well I have Lucio!" Natsu claimed and pointed to the blond boy. He blushes and looks away.

"Who's team are you on Erza?" I asked. He simply shrugs and replies, "I'll be on your team so Happy can be with Natsu." "Ha! I even have Erza too!" Gray said victoriously. "So? I can still win!" Natsu yelled. The both of them growled at each other before storming outside into the snow.

The rest of us went outside to see that the girls were already building up snow forts. Lucio and Happy went over to Natsu to help her while Erza and I went over to Gray. It turns out that behind her snow fort was a huge block of ice. "Don't say a word about this. With the block of ice, it's gonna be harder for those idiots to take down the fort." Gray said and covered the block with more snow. I shrugged and helped her cover it up.

The three of us were already making snowballs while the other side was yelling at each other about how small they were making their snowballs. "Happy they need to be bigger!" Natsu yelled. "It's not my fault I have paws instead of hands!" Happy yelled back.

"Ready?" Gray said with a smirk. Erza and I nodded and grabbed a couple of snowballs. "Attack!" Gray yelled and we started throwing snowballs. Natsu peaked out but once she saw the snowballs, she quickly went back down. "No more stalking! We gotta fire back!" Natsu yelled. Natsu and the others began to throw snowballs at us while we threw it back at them.

We all laughed and played in the snow. By now Happy was hit and Erza got tired of the snowball fight then went back inside. I threw a snowball, hitting my brother in the face. "Lucio!! No!!" Natsu shouted and fake cried. "I'll avenge you!" She yelled and threw a snowball hard towards my direction.

My eyes widen and it was coming too quick for me to dodge. "Watch out (Y/N)!" Gray shouted and pushed me down. She pins me down onto the snow and I looked up at her. 

We stayed there in silence, staring into each other's eyes. "Hey," I said. "Hi," She quietly replied. She began to move closer, leaning down to my face. I gulped and realized what she was doing. 'Oh my god she 's gonna kiss me!!' I thought, panicking in my mind.

I closed my eyes and prepared myself. Then I feel a soft and warm pair of lips on mine. I kissed back and felt everything around me stop. It's as if the world stopped. I almost forgot that we were outside in the snow until we heard a loud battle cry. 

Gray and I pulled away and saw Natsu charging towards us. Gray scoffs then chucks a snowball at her stomach, causing her to fall back. "I've been hit!" She cried. "Told you I would win," Gray said as we both laughed.

We looked at each other and smiled. "We should do this more often," I said. "What? Snowball fights or more kissing in the snow?" She giggled. I blushed and coughed awkwardly, "I-I wouldn't mind both." 

She flashes me a bright grin and hugs me. "Good because I like both too." I smiled and leaned down to kiss her but was met with a handful of snow. "Hey!" I said and wiped the snow off my face. 

"Gotcha!" She laughed. "Oh it's so on Ice Princess!" I growled playfully and made a snowball. "Shiiiiiittttttttt," She said and quickly ran away. "Get back over here!" I yelled and chased her through the snow.

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