Kagura Mikazuchi x Female Reader (Part 2)

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It wasn't until a couple of days later you pulled your third plan. You thought that maybe getting her a sentimental gift would get her to smile. You went through your photo album and found a picture of when you and Kagura became friends. You two were just children back then. You found her all by herself and she told you she lost her brother. Your family took her in and ever since then you two were close friends.

You bought a photo frame for it and everything then decided to decorate the frame to make it special. It wasn't professional or anything but it was hard work. You only burned yourself with a hot glue gun 3 times which is way less than you expected. You let it dry before putting the picture in and wrapping it up nicely.

You found Kagura and Millianna together chatting outside. You went over to them with the gift hid behind your back. "What's that?" Millianna asked curiously when she saw you were hiding something. "I got a gift for Kagura," You grinned. Kagura raised an eyebrow in surprise and asked, "What is it?"

You handed her the gift and she takes it from your hand. Your fingertips brushing slightly causing you to blush. She opens the present and froze. You thought she was going to smile and hug you from the joy she was feeling. 

But it didn't happen. Tears began to form in her eyes as she gripped the picture. The tears soon escaped from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Millianna frowns and tries to comfort Kagura while you stood there, almost paralyzed by her reaction. Kagura shakes her head before shoving the present back into your hands. 

"Excuse me," She said and left you and Millianna alone. "What the hell (Y/N)?! Why did you make her cry?!" She shouted. "I-I didn't know it was going to make her cry! I-It was just a picture of Kagura and me." You panicked, feeling the guilt overwhelm you. "I thought it might make her smile!" "(Y/N), I think you should stop now. You're not going to get her to smile. It's impossible. Please just stop before she gets hurt again." Millianna said, squeezing your shoulder. 

You didn't want to break down so you just nodded. She heads back inside to look for Kagura, leaving you alone. You look down at the picture and gritted your teeth angrily. "Why am I such an idiot? I should have thought about how Kagura might feel about this... This must have reminded her of Simon..." You growled angrily. You threw the picture, shattering the frame before storming back to your room.

You locked yourself in your room for two weeks now. Only coming out to grab food to hide in your room when everyone else is asleep or gone. You were glad that none of them tried to knock on your door to check if you were okay. You wanted to be alone. You tore up your list of tactics and no longer had the motivation to get Kagura to smile anymore.

You were nuzzled up in your blankets asleep. You just came back from exploring the town and you wanted to take a nap. You snuck out your window so no one knew you left. You were a deep sleeper just like Beth though.

You couldn't hear the door of your room click open. You remained asleep as the person who opened your door walked in. The person stood over you, watching your sleeping figure. The person placed a hand against your cheek. The hand was warm compared to your cheek which was freezing cold since you forgot to turn off the air conditioning in your room.

The person placed a small kiss on your forehead, causing your eyes to flutter open. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. "Wh-What? Who's there?" You asked sleepily. You looked up to see Kagura standing next to your bed, her hand still on your cheek. "Kagura... What are you doing here?" You asked, still not completely awake.

She frowns and sits next to you then touched your other cheek. "You're freezing." She commented. You nodded and pointed to the AC that was turned on. "I didn't turn it off." You said and yawned once more. "Why are you doing this?" She asked suddenly. You hummed in response, confused by her question. "Why did you lock yourself in here?" She asked again.

You shrugged and stretched, "I didn't want to harm you anymore I guess. It's clear that after I made you cry that day, I can never get you to smile."

"What are you talking about?" Kagura sighed. "I've been trying to get you to smile but nothing works. I tried tickling you but I ended up making a hole in the wall. The second time, you scowled me for a prank. The third time, I made you cry. Clearly, I just cause problems to you." You admitted.

The two of you sat in silence before Kagura spoke up again, "You want to know how to make me smile?" You nodded, now completely awake. "Kiss me," she said.

Your cheeks burned as you stared at her with wide eyes. "Ki-Kiss you?" You stuttered. She nods and faces you, "You want to make me smile. Kiss me." Your heart pounded in your chest as your palms grew sweaty. "O-Okay..." You stuttered as your hands gently grasped her shoulders. 

She closes her eyes and waited for you to make your move. You leaned in and gulped. You placed your lips on top of hers, feeling how soft her lips were. Your lips moved on their own and you began to kiss her. Kagura kissed back, her hand on your cheek.

You felt her lips form into a smile.

You pulled away just in time to see her smile. It was the most beautiful thing you ever saw. 

"You should smile more you know," You said, still lost in her smile. Her smile widens more at your comment as her cheeks grew pink. "Then you should kiss me more."

You chuckled and nodded before leaning in for another kiss.

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