Chapter 11~ Her birthday

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Gae Taeng's pov~

I opened my eyes and smelt the fresh air. The warm sun filled the whole room with a yellow-tinted brightness. 

"What a wonderful way to start the day."I said while stretching.

I brushed my teeth and then freshened up. It was my day off today. I smiled when I looked at the blue-colored jacket hanging in my closet. It's been a week since I had my date with Sehun. I wonder when I'll see him again...............

I headed downstairs to eat my breakfast. I saw a beautiful dark-chocolate cake on the counter. Looks yummy!

Just then, my mom entered into the room from the kitchen. She came towards me and gave me a warm hug.

>>>>A/N-Play multimedia now!<<<<

"Happy birthday dear!" she said while giving me a warm smile.

I looked at her wide-eyed for a second, then I looked at the calendar which hung on the wall. Omo! I can't believe I actually forgot my own birthday! 

"Silly girl, I can't believe you forgot your own birthday!" My mother said after she noticed how I reacted.

"Hehe....thank you for the cake mom! By the way, where's dad?" I asked her.

"Your dad said that he had some important work so he had to leave early. Don't worry, he said that we'll eat dinner in your favorite restaurant today."

"Oh! I see." I said while giving her a smile.

My mom made my favorite breakfast today- Scrambled eggs, sausage, soup, and to top it off dark chocolate cake for dessert! It was delicious! I'm sure, my mom would have made millions if she had sold her cake in a bakery! It's so heavenly!

After eating, I washed my plates and decided to take my dog-Timmy for a walk. As I walked through the park I heard my phone beep~

Happy Birthday Tae! Wishing you many more happy days ahead!

-Your cousin Ha Na

I smiled. I continuously received many more messages from my friends and family. It felt wonderful....however...... I was hoping....for a message from Sehun. Did I tell him when my birthday was?.....hmm......yes, I remember telling him. Come to think of it, I didn't receive a message from Tiffany-unnie either, maybe she is busy or maybe both of them are planning something together......Stop! Tae stop! You shouldn't keep your hopes too high!....yeah...maybe they are just busy.....

I returned from my walk with Timmy. I decided to continue reading the novel I was reading earlier......I unconsciously dozed off to sleep........

I was woken up by Tiffany-unnie.

"Pshhhht.....Tae! wake up!"


"Wake up..."

Now I was wide awake.


"Sorry I couldn't wish you earlier, I was really busy, Happy birthday sweetie!" she said while giving me a hug.

"Couldn't you wish me later? I was sleeping you know?" I said laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up either but there's a visitor who came here just for your birthday, your mom asked me to call you downstairs to see him."

I perked up. Is it Sehun? I hope so....

"Who is it?" I asked her.

She laughed,"Come and see for yourself."

I obeyed, I followed her to the living room. After I saw that person, I immediately felt so happy that I ran and gave him a hug...............

Sehun's pov~

It's been a week since last saw my firefly.......shall I see her today?.....I checked my calendar. Woah! It's her birthday today?! I immediately checked the time. 4.30pm.

It's already so late! Damn it! Why didn't I remember?! I was about to close my laptop and leave my office when my manager stormed into the room.

"Sehun, are you ready for the meeting?"

"Sir, I have to go somewhere, can you postpone the meeting to tomorrow?"

My manager looked at me in disbelief, "Are you crazy Sehun? All the senior officials will be present today, there's no way you can avoid this meeting."

I sighed, I knew there's no point in arguing. Guess I'll have to wait until later...........

It was nearly 8pm when the meeting got over. I hurriedly packed all my things and got into my car. I stopped by a flower shop.

"I'll take those." I said while pointing at the flowers.

"Wonderful, orchids! They make a great gift for a loved one, anything else?" the shopkeeper asked me while wrapping the flowers.

"That will be all." I said and paid him for the flowers.

With that, I drove with maximum speed to her house. I hope I'm not too late. As I parked my car I looked at the flowers. I snickered. I remembered the first time we met, and how she adored the orchids that night.

I picked them up and walked up the front porch of her house. The door was open. I was about to enter before I saw something through the slit between the door.

 I saw Gae Taeng hugging a tall handsome man. He hugged her back, and to my horror, he kissed her cheek, and then,

her lips.


Author's note~

I'll leave you with that~ 


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