Chapter 1

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The Hogwarts Express...

A beautiful looking train. It's uncomfortable though. The thin cushioned seats, the small cabins, the tiny distance between the cabin door and the other side of the train... I've definitely missed the journey back to school.

"Noelle!" I heard a familiar voice squeal.

"Hermione!" I said, as she ran to me, tackling me into a friendly embrace.

"I've missed you so much" she said, and then she let me go. "How've you been?"

"I've been great, the summer has been a drag, but I'm happy to be back. How've you been?" I replied and Hermione giggled.

"Well I haven't heard from Harry or Ron" she said, which was the usual for them. "But I'm guessing you have, with Harry being your boyfriend and all"

"Yeah, you're right, I did hear from Harry and he was the same old Harry, but I haven't heard off of Ron. He's too lazy to write to us" I said, and we both laughed.

Then, the train made it's usual noise, with steam coming out of the large chimney. We had to go and take our seats otherwise we would miss the train.

Hermione grabbed my hand and pulled me through the last of the crowd to one of the carriages, and then through the door. We found an empty cabin and sat down on the familiar green, patterned cushions. Gosh, they were so uncomfortable.

Then, the familiar ginger hair appeared through the glass. I then saw Harry appear behind Ron, and I jumped on Harry, attacking him with a loving embrace. He hugged me back, with the same amount of passion, and then we bumped into something.

"Watch it Potter, you and your little girlfriend need to tone it down a bit, wouldn't want the children to see" the grey eyed ferret said, before brushing past us, towards his gang of sheep, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy sneared at us, and then clung onto Draco's arm so he wouldn't do a disappearing act on her. Harry and I went into the cabin, to see Ron and Hermione sat opposite each other, talking about the summer.

I sat next to Hermione and Harry sat next to me. I snaked my arm through his, and we looked at each other.

The past year that myself and Harry have been together, it has been weird. I mean, we got together just after the Tri Wizard Tournement, after the return of the Dark Lord, after the death of Cedrick Diggory, just before our 15th birthday.

Harry is 16 now, and my 16th birthday is in a weeks time. And I was spending my 16th birthday, at Hogwarts. It has its ups and downs. I was having a Gryffindor party, in the common room, which I was excited for.

Then, I noticed the ferret glance in the window. I looked at him and he stared at me, and then looked at mine and Harry's arms, and how they were linked together. Finally, he looked at me in disgust and walked off.

"... I don't know what I saw" Hermione said, her slowly fading into reality.

I guess I zoned out for a while, even when looking at Draco. Ew, that should have snapped me back into reality staight away.

"Huh?" I said, and Hermione looked up from her book, and marked what page she was on, and shut it.

"Ron here, seems to think that Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater" Hermione said.

I rolled my eyes, and rested my head on Harry's shoulder. I was about to shut my eyes, and then I noticed Draco walk back towards Pansy, staring at me again. What was his problem?

I looked away from him and shut my eyes, hoping that the rest of the journey would hurry up.

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