Chapter 11

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Noelle was now my girlfriend.

Obviously, people would not be able to find out that we were together, but we would now be able to meet in public. But, I don't want her caught in the middle of my task. She would get hurt, and I wouldn't be able to risk her life.

I was walking through the school when Potter decided to shoulder barge me, purposefully. I looked over my shoulder and glared at him.

"Watch it Potter" I hissed, and then I carried on walking.

I could sense him following me, so I turned off towards a bathroom, but then he started throwing spells at me, obviously trying to cause me harm.

I was having none of it, so out of self defense, I threw spells back, and what was a shoulder barge turned into a battle between a Slytherin and a Gryffindor.

I got into the bathroom and the spells flew everywhere.

"You did this Malfoy-" Harry spat. "You cursed her, didn't you?"

He was talking about a recent event. I had cursed a young Gryffindor, Katie Bell, and she was to deliver a package, but then Potter had obviously found her and spoken to Snape and McGonagal. I knew he would suspect me. As much as I hate him, I knew that he wasn't stupid.

"And you took Noelle, didn't you?!" he screamed.

I ran some cold water and splashed it over my face.

"You left her for the Weasley girl! This is your doing!" I screamed back.

Then, the spells carried on.

Harry burst a pipe, which meant that the water would flood the bathroom. Yes, there was a drain, but there was too much water for one drain. It would flood within seconds.

--Noelle's POV--

I was walking down the hall when I heard the screaming match between two boys in the bathroom.

"You left her for the Weasley girl! This is your doing!" I heard Draco scream.


Draco and Harry?

This was never going to end well.

I ran into the bathroom, and Harry just stopped and looked at me. He saw the pain in my eyes, but he didn't take any notice.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted, his wand pointing at Draco.

"No!" I screamed, tears pouring down my face, and onto my lips.

The saltiness tasted disgusting, but I had to focus on Draco. I ran to him, and knelt down in the flooded bathroom, and saw his blood mixing with the water, trickling towards the drain.

He was coughing, trying to catch his breath but I could tell he was dying. He was wet, and Harry was just stood there watching me cry over him.

I held Draco's hand, and he kept his eyes on me at all times. My tears fell onto his, now, see through shirt. His chest was rising and falling as he tried to gasp for air.

"You!" I screamed at Harry. "Look at what you've done!"

Harry still stood there, not saying anything.

"Draco is the person that was there for me, when you broke me into millions of pieces, and look what you've done to him?!"

Draco let go of my hand and put his hand on my waist.

"You're s-so b-b-beautiful" Draco said, a single tear falling from his right eye.

"No Draco, we've only just started..." I replied, through sobs. "Please don't leave me"

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